- He recognized that he was seized by a freshwater mussel. 他知道自己被一个蚌捕获了。
- The pearl was mellow, full and great, it is a priceless treasure for human, but a accident with pain for died freshwater mussel, maker of the pearl. 这粒珍珠圆润硕大,在人类而言是无价之宝,可是对珍珠的制造者,死去的蚌来说只是一个带了些痛苦的意外。
- This Anhui makes “gathers wu the freshwater mussel pilot area”, is carries on the optimum composition according to the region superiority, realizes the scientific progress. 此次安徽打造“合芜蚌试验区”,是根据区域优势进行优化组合,实现科学发展。
- Sometime the sand felt the freshwater mussel moved and opened, what came in his sight was sea face, sun light, boats and human, human looked him in delight sight, he looked around himself, knowing himself become a pearl. 某个时刻砂粒忽然觉得蚌有一点摇动,不久蚌壳张开了,映入眼帘的是海面,阳光,船和人类,人类用欣喜若狂的眼神望着他,他环视一下自身,知道自己已经变成了珍珠。
- freshwater mussel (Hyriopsis cumingii) 三角帆蚌
- This wave of turbidity can also eliminate habitat for sessile filter feeders, such as freshwater mussels. 这波污浊物也会破坏行固著生活的滤食动物的栖息地,像是淡水贻贝。
- The Hydrolysis of Freshwater Mussel Protein by Papain 木瓜蛋白酶对蚌肉蛋白质的水解
- The parasitic larva of certain freshwater mussels of the family Unionidae, having hooks for attaching to the gills or other external parts of a host fish. 瓣钩幼虫珠蚌科淡水贝类的寄生幼体,长有钩并用来附着在寄宿主鱼的鳃或其他体外部分
- The parasitic larva of certain freshwater mussels of the family Unionidae,having hooks for attaching to the gills or other external parts of a host fish. 瓣钩幼虫珠蚌科淡水贝类的寄生幼体,长有钩并用来附着在寄宿主鱼的鳃或其他体外部分。
- Keywords freshwater mussel;protein of mantellum;amino acid;elements; 淡水蚌;外套膜蛋白;氨基酸;元素;
- The oyster's secret was partially fathomed as early as the 5th century,when Chinese produced little pearl Buddha by sliding wax figures into freshwater mussels between the body and the shell. 早在5世纪,人类就开始对蚌进行研究。当时中国人将佛像的蜡模注入淡水蚌的躯体和贝壳之间,来培育佛形珍珠。
- The oyster's secret was partially fathomed as early as the5th century,when Chinese produced little pearl Buddha by sliding wax figures into freshwater mussels between the body and the shell. 早在5世纪,人类就开始对蚌进行研究。当时中国人将佛像的蜡模注入淡水蚌的躯体和贝壳之间,来培育佛形珍珠。
- The oyster's secret was partially fathomed as early as the5th century, when Chinese produced little pearl Buddha by sliding wax figures into freshwater mussels between the body and the shell. 早在5世纪,人类就开始对蚌进行研究。当时中国人将佛像的蜡模注入淡水蚌的躯体和贝壳之间,来培育佛形珍珠。
- The oyster's secret was partially fathomed as early as the 5th century, when Chinese produced little pearl Buddha by sliding wax figures into freshwater mussels between the body and the shell. 早在5世纪,人类就开始对蚌进行研究。 当时中国人将佛像的蜡模注入淡水蚌的躯体和贝壳之间,来培育佛形珍珠。
- freshwater mussels found worldwide. 可在世界范围内找到的淡水贻贝。
- thin-shelled freshwater mussels. 一种外壳较薄的淡水蚌类。
- the snipe freshwater mussel contends with benefits as the third party in a dispute. 比喻雙方爭執不相讓,必會造成兩敗俱傷,讓第三者獲得利益。
- There are many fish in this freshwater lake. 这个淡水湖里有许多种鱼。
- Some freshwater fish such as pike can withstand levels of acidity. 一些诸如梭鱼等淡水鱼可以抵御相当程度的酸性。