- Some freshwater fish such as pike can withstand levels of acidity. 一些诸如梭鱼等淡水鱼可以抵御相当程度的酸性。
- European freshwater fish resembling the roach. 类似于斜齿鳊的欧洲淡水鱼。
- Freshwater fish; freshwater lakes. 淡水鱼;淡水湖
- Arowana, a is a large freshwater fish. 龙鱼,属于骨舌鱼科,是一种大型的淡水鱼。
- There are bright prospects for freshwater fish farming. 淡水养鱼大有可为。
- I ectio of freshwater fish at local markets would be ste ed up. 会加强检验本地街市售卖的淡水鱼。
- About 120 freshwater fish species are indigenous to Hong Kong. 有大约一百二十个淡水鱼品种是产于香港的。
- Grass carp is a common kind of freshwater fish in China. 在中国,草鱼是常见的河鱼。
- When necessary, change to substitutes such as cultured LRFF or freshwater fish. 尽量改食养殖的珊瑚鱼或淡水鱼。
- Lok: And if you're ever in our neck of the woods, please look us up. I'll show you some freshwater fishing! 洛克:如果你们今后有机会到我们那里去,请一定要和我们联系。我会带你们去钓淡水鱼。
- Products: Whitebait, crab, shrimp, freshwater fishes etc. 主要产品:银鱼、蚬肉、活蚬、蟹、青虾、淡水鱼类。
- A small Eurasian freshwater fish(Gobio gobio) related to the carp and used for bait. 鮈鱼一种小型的亚欧淡水鱼(鮈鱼鲤科),与鲤鱼近缘,用作鱼饵
- Pond fish culture yielded 2550 tonnes, or 6 per cent, of freshwater fish for local consumption. 年内,塘鱼总产量为2550公吨,占本地淡水鱼消耗量的6%25。
- European freshwater fish having a flattened body and silvery scales; of little value as food. 有扁平身体和闪光鳞片的欧洲淡水鱼;没什么食用价值。
- Some freshwater fishes such as pike can withstand levels of acidity. 一些诸如梭鱼等淡水鱼可以抵御相当程度的酸性。
- A silvery freshwater fish of the family Hiodontidae, especially Hiodon tergisus of eastern North America. 圆腹淡水鲱构成月目鱼属的银色淡水鱼,尤指生活于北美洲的月目鱼属的一种鱼
- Some freshwater fishes such as pike can withstand levels of acidity . 一些诸如梭鱼等淡水鱼可以抵御相当程度的酸性。
- During the year,pond fish culture yielded 4 500 tonnes,or 10 per cent,of freshwater fish for local consumption. 年内,塘鱼总产量为4500公吨,占本地淡水鱼消耗量的一成。
- Pond fish culture yielded 2550 tonnes,or 6 per cent,of freshwater fish for local consumption. 年内,塘鱼总产量为2550公吨,占本地淡水鱼消耗量的6%25。
- A primitive, bony freshwater fish(Amia calva)of central and eastern North America, with a long, spineless dorsal fin. 弓鳍鱼北美洲中部和东部的一种原始、多骨的淡水鱼(弓鳍鱼弓鳍鱼属),具有长的无脊的背鳍