- fresh organizational modes 新组织模式
- The list price transfer system is a managerial means which arises out of internal organizational modes and variations in structure with in the firms. 转移定价是随着社会化大生产的发展、公司内部组织形式和结构的变化而产生的一种管理手段。
- Nowadays, many high-tech enterprises have a low R&D efficiency, because of the mismatched R&D organizational mode. 目前,许多高科技企业存在研发效率不高的问题,其中研发组织模式的选择与自身组织条件的不匹配是重要原因之一。
- Virtual team is a new organizational mode,having some advantages that the traditional team is beyond comparison. 虚拟团队是一种全新的组织模式,有着传统团队无法比拟的优势。
- Tender pieces of seasoned dark meat chicken baked with cheddar cheese and grilled onions and topped with fresh organic lettuce and tomatoes on a French baguette. 鲜嫩可口的鸡块,淋上新鲜烘培的车达芝士加上烤洋葱,生菜、西红柿、美乃汁、配以法式面包,真正的经典体验。
- Law enforcement service institutions shall be of a brigade-based organizational mode, including general brigades, brigades, detachments, and lochuses. 执法勤务机构实行队建制,称为总队、支队、大队、中队。
- By means of supplying a large number of fresh organic energy material to soil, the reproducing of soil microorganism has been stimulated. 本研究是通过为土壤微生物提供大量的新鲜有机能源物质,激发土壤微生物快速繁殖。
- The USP's support and organizational mode should be different as the differences between the cycle of transformation of S&T achievement and the lifecycle of corporation. 科技成果转化周期及企业生命周期的差异性决定了大学科技园运行中的支持方式和组织模式应有所不同。
- The quiet, confortable and chemical free farm reseort is and ideal place for you to relax, pratise Chi Kong exervises and enjoy the fresh organic food. 住宿在这无施用化学品的环境,山高气爽的有机农庄里,摄取最新鲜的有机营养食物,是锻炼气功,静坐松懈身心或运动的好场所。
- There are three microscopic organizational modes of cyclic economy in the perspective of supply chain, i.e., green supply chain, endo-symbiosis supply chain and exogen-symbiosis supply chain. 摘要基于供应链角度提炼了循环经济的三种微观组织模式:绿色供应链、外生共生体型供应链和内生共生体型供应链。
- The organizational mode of modem Chinese cultural recreation has undergone a change from the medieval guild to the modem trade association of the artisans. 摘要近现代以来中国文化娱乐行业的组织形态经历了一个由中世纪行会组织到近现代同业公会组织的变迁过程。
- This paper proposes to establish a well organized and systematic securities company market from aspects of functions and organizational modes, etc. of securities company. 从证券市场的功能、组织方式等方面提出构建一个有组织的、系统的证券公司市场的设想。
- The article introduces some modern managerial organization modes and their development trend and points out necessar... 文章阐述了现代管理的组织形式及其变革趋势,并指出了构建现代化纺织工业管理组织形式的必要条件。
- The SoyQuick Automatic Soymilk Maker makes fresh organic milks for less than 10 cents per quart, including soy milk, rice milk, almond milk, oat milk, nut milks, and even fresh tofu. 通过自己制作坚果奶,您可以将硬纸板,装奶罐子等垃圾从日常生活中渐渐抹去。同时,您也减少了容器的浪费。
- During the intermission, let's go out for some fresh air. 幕间休息时,我们出去呼吸呼吸新鲜空气吧。
- A walk in the fresh air will pep me up. 我在空气新鲜的地方散步就感到精神饱满。
- Do you have any fresh salmon in at the moment? 现在有新鲜大马哈鱼卖吗?
- Fresh air and exercise are good for the health. 新鲜空气和运动有益于健康。