- fresh fruit quality traits 鲜果感官品质
- Th e best orange variety was defined.Compared with equal relational grade analysis , the weighted grade analysis is more reliable in assessing the actual expressio n of fruit quality traits. 与等权关联度相比较,加权关联度的评估结果更能反映出果实品质多个性状的实际表现。
- Study on Evaluation Model of Quality Traits of Fresh Fruit Using Quantized Record Method 鲜果感官品质等级评定数量化录入模型的研究
- In most markets you can buy fresh fruit in bulk. 在大多数市场上可买到散装新鲜水果。
- This pudding has two pounds of fresh fruit in it. 这个布丁里有两磅鲜果。
- Do you have any fresh fruit today? 今天你们有什么鲜水果?
- I would like to have ice cream and fresh fruit. 我要吃点冰淇淋和新鲜水果。
- This pudding have two pound of fresh fruit in it. 这个布丁里有两磅鲜果。
- The store sells fancy fresh fruits. 这商店出售优质的鲜果。
- People are queuing up for fresh fruit. 人们正在排队购买新鲜水果。
- A retail seller of fresh fruits and vegetables. 蔬菜水果零售商卖新鲜水果和蔬菜的零售商
- We had fresh fruit for breakfast. 我们早饭吃的是新鲜水果。
- You like fresh fruit better than canned one,yeah ? 相比罐头,你更喜欢新鲜水果,是吗?
- We had to do without fresh fruit. 没有新鲜水果,我们不得不将就一下了。
- Variation coefficients of rice difference quality traits have great disparity. 不同品质性状的变异系数差异悬殊。
- We are out of fresh fruit,how about some ice cream? 水果已经没有了,来点冰淇淋如何?
- Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. 要多吃新鲜水果和蔬菜。
- I like fresh fruit better than tinned fruit. 我喜欢新鲜水果胜于罐头水果。
- Intramuscular fat content is an important meat quality trait in pig production. 猪的肌内脂肪含量是重要的肉质性状。
- The main course was followed by fresh fruit. 主菜以后是新鲜水果。