- The fresh breeze and bright sunshine quickly attracted Sophia. 清新的微风和明亮的阳光很快就使索菲娅着迷了。
- A fresh breeze puffed across the river. 一阵阵凉爽的微风吹过河面。
- A fresh breeze puffed across the lake. 凉爽的微风一阵阵吹过湖面。
- The day was bright ,with a fresh breeze blowing . 天气晴朗,吹来阵阵清风。
- There will be a fresh breeze tomorrow. 明天有五级风
- The day was bright , with a fresh breeze blowing . 天气晴朗,吹来阵阵清风。
- The day was bright , with a fresh breeze blowing. 天气晴朗,吹来阵阵清风。
- The clouds cleared away, and a fresh breeze sprang up. 乌云四散,清新的微风吹拂着。
- The village is quiet at night with a fresh breeze blowing gently. 村庄夜阑人静,清风徐来。
- In the sunlight, a fresh breeze dimpled the surface of Bay Roberts. 阳光下清新的微风吹得罗伯茨湾的海水泛起阵阵涟漪。
- In sun the fresh breeze rippled the water of Bay Roberts with fits of riffles . 阳光下清新的微风吹得罗伯茨湾的海水泛起阵阵涟漪。
- Romantic lavender originated from Provence, elegantly kisses each part of your skin like fresh breeze. 产自法兰西普罗旺斯的浪漫薰衣草,如同清风吹来,优雅地亲吻着你的每寸肌肤。
- The fresh breeze rustled his snowy beard, but he continued to stare unwaveringly at the sea. 清凉的海风吹得雪白长髯在胸前拂动,两眼紧紧盯着海面一瞬不瞬。
- Moreover, blue and white sofa cover, pillowslip and table cloth blow a fresh breeze into your room. 此外,蓝白条子面料的沙发套、枕套、桌布,亦可以给人以清新爽快的感觉。
- I apparently feel the fresh breeze together with raindrops blowing against my window. 我分明感觉到清爽的微风夹杂着雨滴吹进了我的窗户。
- The fresh breeze kissed the meadow, gently curled her dense hair and blew towards the copse. 清风拂过草地,微微卷起她满头秀发,旋即向杂木林吹去。
- The Mansion beyond Mansions - Being bathed in fresh breeze and under the bright moon, my drunken eyes are inebriated of the surrounding lakes and hills from ten miles afar. 一楼风月当酣饮,十里湖山欲醉眸。
- And a fresh breeze was blowing. 天气晴朗,吹着阵阵和风。
- Flags are flaunting in the breeze. 旗子在微风中飘扬。
- The sea was calm, and, with a fresh breeze from the south-east, they sailed beneath a bright blue sky, in which God also lighted up in turn his beacon lights, each of which is a world. 海面上很平静,他们借着来自东南方向的一阵清新的和风在明亮的蓝空下航行,夜空上,上帝也点亮了他的指路明灯,而那每一盏灯都是一个世界。