- The latest study, soon to be published in the journal Free Radical Biology & Medicine, investigated the production of harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS) by the use of sunscreens. 最新结果随即被登到了《抗辐射生物和科学》杂志上,对使用防晒护肤产品进行了有害氧化反应种类(成分)的调查。
- free radical biology 自由基生物学
- Kamp DW,Graceffa P,Pryor WA,et al.The role of free radicals in asbestos-induced diseases.Free Radical Biology &Medicine 1992, 12(4):293 钟慈声等.;一氧化氮与自由基;一氧化氮的生物医学[M]
- A free radical is a molecular fragment having an unpaired electron. 自由基是一种具有未配对电子的分子碎体。
- This reaction has been classified as a free radical chain process. 这种反应是按自由基连锁反应的历程进行分类的。
- Glutathione peroxidase( GSH-Px) acts as a free radical scavenger. 谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶是生物机体内的自由基清除剂。
- Proanthocyanidin is a effective natural free radical scavenger. 原花青素是一种天然有效的自由基清除剂。
- Abnormality of free radical production will lead many diseases. 自由基产生异常,将导致诸多疾病过程。
- OH Lilium Bromopyrogallol red Scavenging effect Free radical ? 百合 溴邻苯三酚红 清除作用 ?
- Vinyl ethers can cure by both cationic and free radical mechanisms. 乙烯醚可以都阳离子和游离基反应固化。
- Termination of free radical chairs occurs by a bimolecular reaction. 自由基链的终止产生于双分子反应。
- Protects skin, eyes, liver and lung tissues against free radical damage. 保护皮肤、眼睛、肝脏及肺组织不受游离基破坏。
- Termination of free radical chains occurs by a bimolecular reaction. 自由基链的终止产生于双分子反应。
- Free radical halogenation in organic chemistry is a type of halogenation. 自由基卤化反应是有机化学中卤化反应的一种。
- Efficiency: Effectively resist free radical, make skin lustrous and firm. 功效:有效抵御自由基,使皮肤有光泽、富有弹性。
- In some cases free radicals can be detected. 在某些情况下可以测出自由基来。
- Halliwell, B. &Gutteridge, J. M. C. (1999) Free radicals in biology and medicine (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press. 冯英杰,任会勋,袁育康,申斐,范桂香。(2006)。熊果酸免疫调节作用的初步研究。西安交通大学学报(医学版),27(6):541-543。
- Free radicals are very reactive. 自由的激进分子非常反动。
- Halliwell B, Gutteridge JMC. Oxygen free radicals and iron in relation to biology and medicine: some problems and concepts. Arch Biochem Biophys. 1986;246:501-514. 赖淑珍:四种苦参属药用植物抗氧化活性及其对神经细胞保护作用之研究,中国医药大学中国药学研究所硕士论文,台中,2006。
- Cell membranes rich in EPA and DHA are, however, more susceptible to peroxidation by free radical reactions. *有证据表明鱼油还能治疗偏头痛、喘、皮癣、溃疡、症和某些与糖尿病相关的疾病。细胞膜虽然富含epa和DHA,然而也却容易遭到自由基的破坏。