- Share prices have gone into free fall. 股价猛跌不止。
- After that, it's 50 seconds of intense free fall. 之后,是50秒钟快速的自由降落。
- At this time, the paper is deceleration, with 3 m/h of the velocity, the ultimate free fall to the bottom of the cyclone device. 在这个时候,这些废纸会突然减速,并以3米/小时的速度自由下落,最终到气旋装置的底部。
- Is it to practice free fall parachuting? 体验自由落体跳伞?
- free falling velocity [化] 自由沉降速度
- For large, extended chords thrust is preferable to free fall. 用推力动作弹奏伸展的大和弦优于自由下落动作。
- The stock price is falling like a free fall. 股价像自由落体一般坠下。
- This means that the fall velocity of sand particles in such suspensions will be less than in clear water. 这意味着这种悬浮物中的沙粒的沉速将比其在清水中为小。
- Pharr enjoyed a minute of free fall as the cold air rushed by. 法尔经历了一分钟的自由落体,尽情享受着迎面而来的清新空气。
- To control the fall velocity and the fall attitude of the sub-munitions can highly improve the damage efficiency. 摘要控制子母弹子弹的落速和落姿可以大大提高子母弹的毁伤效能。
- Yuke G Number 12's parachute was shot away! It's in free fall! 12号战车的降落伞被击落!它掉下去了!
- To descend nose down at an acceleration usually exceeding that of free fall. 通常以远大于自由落体的加速度下滑.
- Ups and downs zigs and zags free falls in the dark. 忽上忽下,左转右拐,在黑暗中自由下落。
- Not experiencing the effects of gravity; being in a state of free fall. 失重的没有经受重力作用的;在自由下落的状态中的
- Marotte said Fournier would be in free fall for about eight minutes. 马洛特说,弗尔涅将会在下落过程中作大约8分钟的自由落体运动。
- Fall velocity in clear water and silty water 泥沙颗粒在清水和浑水中的沉速
- In the free fall the role of the fingers was minimal; they acted, mainly as a recoil mechanism. 在自由下落动作中手指是最小角色;他们的动作主要是在键上产生反作用力。
- Fall velocities are usually measured by observing individual grains settling in a column of still fluid. 沉速通常是由观测单个颗粒在圆柱筒内静止的液体中沉降来测定的。
- A reduction of the rising velocity of the process air in the filter dome resp. an improvement of the falling velocity by elimination of the space displacement of the filter insert. 每个过滤器都采用高度独立式安装,过滤腔体采用圆柱体形设计,降低了流化气体进入腔体后的运动速度,反吹除尘时,亦可使物料缓慢有序重返工作区。
- On 7th October 1937, capitaine Sauvagnac beats the world record of free fall without inhalator with 74 seconds. 1939年10月7日,索瓦尼亚克上尉在不戴呼吸面罩的情况下,从空中跳伞并在长达74秒的自由落体之后才打开降落伞,打破了世界纪录。