- Share prices have gone into free fall. 股价猛跌不止。
- After that, it's 50 seconds of intense free fall. 之后,是50秒钟快速的自由降落。
- Is it to practice free fall parachuting? 体验自由落体跳伞?
- For large, extended chords thrust is preferable to free fall. 用推力动作弹奏伸展的大和弦优于自由下落动作。
- The stock price is falling like a free fall. 股价像自由落体一般坠下。
- The method of releasing the specimen shall be such as to allow free fall from the position of suspension, with a minimum of disturbance at the moment of release. 释放样品的方法应是伴随释放时扰动的最小值,从悬挂处自由落体。
- Pharr enjoyed a minute of free fall as the cold air rushed by. 法尔经历了一分钟的自由落体,尽情享受着迎面而来的清新空气。
- Yuke G Number 12's parachute was shot away! It's in free fall! 12号战车的降落伞被击落!它掉下去了!
- To descend nose down at an acceleration usually exceeding that of free fall. 通常以远大于自由落体的加速度下滑.
- Ups and downs zigs and zags free falls in the dark. 忽上忽下,左转右拐,在黑暗中自由下落。
- Not experiencing the effects of gravity; being in a state of free fall. 失重的没有经受重力作用的;在自由下落的状态中的
- Marotte said Fournier would be in free fall for about eight minutes. 马洛特说,弗尔涅将会在下落过程中作大约8分钟的自由落体运动。
- In the free fall the role of the fingers was minimal; they acted, mainly as a recoil mechanism. 在自由下落动作中手指是最小角色;他们的动作主要是在键上产生反作用力。
- On 7th October 1937, capitaine Sauvagnac beats the world record of free fall without inhalator with 74 seconds. 1939年10月7日,索瓦尼亚克上尉在不戴呼吸面罩的情况下,从空中跳伞并在长达74秒的自由落体之后才打开降落伞,打破了世界纪录。
- In the free fall of Earth orbit, liquids and gases would stay in the pipes and stagnate. 在宇宙空间,宇航员的健康是至关重要的问题.;像管道工一样,附近几乎没有医生。
- Automatic correct the tolerance: if you input the actual value it can reach automatically correct the tolerance of length, opposite angle line, snapping position and glass plate falling position. 误差自动校正:对板长误差.;对角线误差
- By the spring, with gas prices soaring to $4 a gallon, sales of GM's Hummer SUVs were in free fall. 春季时,随着汽油价格飙升至每加仑4美元,通用汽车旗下悍马SUV的销售一落千丈。
- The team cut ticket prices 22 percent this year to help curb the attendance free fall, but it continues unabated. 灰熊队把自己的季票价格下调了22%25,但是仍然无法阻止球队下跌的颓势。
- You can learn how to skydive in other ways but the most thrilling is to do it with the AAF (Accelerated Free Fall). 你可以学习如何飞翔在其它方面,但最惊险的是做与进(无加速下降) 。
- Brad: Parachute drop. How about it Trisha? Up for a little free falling? 本:垂直降落。怎么样?体验一下自由落体的感觉。