- free fiscal reserve 自由财政储备
- Do these fiscal reserves yield any income? 财政储备是否有收益?
- How are the fiscal reserves accumulated? 如何累积财政储备?
- What are the purposes of fiscal reserves? 财政储备有甚么用途?
- We are fortunate in that we have very solid fiscal reserve,very strong foreign exchange reserve,we are fortunate that our rule of law is firmly in place. 尤幸我们拥有种种有利的条件:我们的财政储备非常充裕,外汇储备亦十分雄厚;我们的法治基础非常稳健。
- We are fortunate in that we have very solid fiscal reserve, very strong foreign exchange reserve, we are fortunate that our rule of law is firmly in place. 尤幸我们拥有种种有利的条件:我们的财政储备非常充裕,外汇储备亦十分雄厚;我们的法治基础非常稳健;
- In simple terms, the fiscal reserves serve three purposes. 简单来说,财政储备有三个用途。
- What is the amount of fiscal reserves currently held by the HKSAR Government? 香港特区政府现时拥有多少财政储备?
- Our high foreign exchange reserves and fiscal reserves will provide an anchor for our future economic development. 本港庞大的外汇储备和财政储备,为未来的经济发展提供了强大基础。
- Thanks to our prudent fiscal management,at the end of 1997,Hong Kong's foreign reserves,foreign exchange reserves,which includes our "fiscal reserve",stood at US$92.8 billion -- the third largest in the world. 正因本港恪守审慎理财原则,在一九九七年年底,本港的外汇储备(包括“财政储备”)已累积至928亿美元,高踞全球第三位。
- Year after year,since the linked exchange rate was established,our fiscal reserves every year average about 2% of GDP. 自从港元与美元挂钩后,我们的财政储备平均每年维持于本地生产总值的百分之二左右。
- Reading occupies most of my free time. 阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。
- Whenever we have achieved a budget surplus for a financial year, the surplus amount will be saved as fiscal reserves. 某一财政年度财政预算有盈馀时,盈馀将会拨作财政储备。
- The new arrangement makes the estimated investment income of the fiscal reserves more stable and helps with budgeting. 新安排使财政储备的估计投资收入更为稳定,并有助编制财政预算案。
- Maintain adequate fiscal reserves to provide a cushion against future uncertainties. 维持充裕的财政储备,以提供保障,应付不时之需。
- How the investment return for the fiscal reserves is accounted for is a matter for the Treasury. 财政年度的上半年。财政储备的投资回报如何入帐,纯属库房本身的决定。
- Yes, the fiscal reserves are placed within the Exchange Fund and share the investment return made by the Fund. 有。财政储备存放于外汇基金,从而可分享外汇基金所赚取的投资回报。
- The crew remained free from scurvy. 那些船员仍然没有患坏血病之虞。
- With effect from April 1,1998,the return on the fiscal reserves placed with the Exchange Fund is linked to its overall return. 由一九九八年四月一日起,存放于外汇基金的财政储备的回报与外汇基金的整体回报挂钩。
- In 1976,the Government began to transfer the fiscal reserves of its General Revenue Account (apart from the working balances) to the fund. 由一九七六年起,政府把一般收入账目中的财政储备(营运资金除外)转拨外汇基金。