- free available chlorine 游离有效氯
- These goods are freely available. 这些商品大量供应。
- The results show that available chlorine produced during electrolysis process is the main agent of catalytic electrolysis disinfection. 催化电解产生的有效氯质量浓度与电解时间呈线性关系,杀菌率随著有效氯质量浓度的增大而增大。
- The solution of sodium dichloroisocyanurate containing available chlorine 250 mg/ L (pH 6.4) with a 1 minute contact time could kill 100% of Legionella pneumophilia in suspension. 以含有效氯 250 mg/ L的二氯异氰尿酸钠溶液( pH 6.;4)对悬液中嗜肺军团菌作用 1min,杀灭率为100%25。
- The factors about concentration of available chlorine, concentration of TSB culture medium and contact time of disinfectant could influence the germicidal efficacy. 有效氯浓度、TSB培养基浓度、作用时间均能影响杀菌剂的杀菌效果。
- It is superior to chlorine by 2.6 times of available chlorine content and 2.5 times of oxidation capacity, and its disinfection effect is around 5 times over hypochlorous acid. 它的有效氯是氯的2.;6倍,氧化能力约为氯的2
- Firearms are not freely available on the open market. 枪支不能在市场上自由买卖。
- There are several templating engines freely available for PHP. 当前有多种模板引擎是为PHP免费提供的。
- In order to make indicator card for measuring available chlorine, reaction colour of potassium iodide and available chlorine was used, and iodometry and the indicator card were compared. 利用碘化钾遇有效氯可被氧化成游离碘而显色的原理,制成测有效氯含量指示卡,并与化学滴定法进行比较。
- Public domain Material which is free from copright encumbrance and freely available to anyone who wishes to use it. 公开领域并无版权限制,可任人随意提取和使用的资料。
- Public domain: Material which is free from copyright encumbrance and freely available to anyone who wishes to use it. 公开领域:并无版权限制,可任人随意提取和使用的资料。
- Now that they are more freely available, spices are a part of everyday cooking. 由于更加容易得到,香料成为日常烹饪的一部分。
- Chlorine or other suitable disinfectants may be used. If chlorination has been employed checks should be made daily by chemical tests for available chlorine. "用氯消毒或其他适宜的消毒剂均可,如果采用氯消毒,每天应用化学测试方法对余氯进行检验。"
- Reading occupies most of my free time. 阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。
- In cases where water is disinfected by chlorination, it is easier and more appropriate to test for the presence of available chlorine than for bacteria. 与测试细菌相比,在水被氯化消毒的案例中,测试“可用氯”的存在更容易也更合适。
- You can find the freely available unsusported version of Tripwire at http://www.tripwire.org, free of charge. Manuals and support can be purchased. 完整性检查工具简直检查入侵的至宝.;由于许多文件每天都会产生变化;因此在设置检查器的检查对象时一定要小心
- Users can make their public keys freely available or place them at a key distribution centre for others to access. 用户可以让公开密钥自由使用或者把公开密钥放在可由别人存取的密钥分配中心。
- It involves a high degree of openness, where the source code is freely available, and sometimes commercial software can be written using the free software. 它包含了高度的开放性,源代码可自由获得,有时商业软件也可使用自由软件进行编写。
- His aim was to create high-quality software that was freely available to everybody. 他的目标是制造品质卓越并且可以供人们免费获取的软件。
- The crew remained free from scurvy. 那些船员仍然没有患坏血病之虞。