- Cases of fraudulent insurance claims increase along with the development of insurance industry in our country. 这些案件的发生,不但使保险人蒙受了巨大的经济损失,也使保险声誉受到严重影响。
- fraudulent insurance claims 诈骗性的保险索赔
- It is difficult to deal with insurance claims. 保险索赔很难处理。
- You can download our insurance claim forms here. 您可以在这里下载索赔通知书
- Where can we make the insurance claim? 我们可以在哪里提出保险赔偿?
- Whare can we make the insurance claim? 我们可以在哪里提出保险索赔?
- The driver filed an insurance claim. 该司机提出了保险赔偿要求。
- To decide how much is to be paid on(an insurance claim). 核算决定(保险索赔)中的应付金额。
- Wages earned or paid during the base period of an unemployment insurance claim. 在失业保险索赔的基本周期内支付或所得的工资。
- An unemployment insurance claim based on wage credits from more than one state. 根据多个州的工资记录提出的失业保险索赔。
- Specialize in : 24 Hours Crane Service, Insurance Claim, Spray &Welding Etc. 中文):24小时吊车服务、保险赔偿服务、喷漆及修理。
- Advise customer on the insurance claim procedures and documents needed. 向客人建议保险索赔程序和所需的文件。
- A n insurance adjustor;som eone w ho investigates insurance claim s. 保险行业中调查保险投诉的职员。
- A person who assists in the filing of unemployment insurance claims and offers related assistance to claimants. 帮助提出失业保险索赔并且向申领人提供相关帮助的人员。
- The logic seems flawless, as does the contracting out of labor such as insurance claims handling to freelance workers with terminals in their own home. 就如劳动要签订保险索赔之类的合同那样,对于自家拥有计算机终端的自由职业者来说,这种逻辑似乎也是无懈可击的。
- The insurance claim cannot be paid over until the accident has been reported to the police. 事故经报到警方以后,才能要求保险正式赔款。
- A center of operations unemployment insurance claims are taken over the telephone. 接听失业保险索赔电话的中心。
- A decoration worker was jailed for two years for cheating insurance claims with false medical certificates. 一名装修工人,利用伪造的医生证明文件,向保险公司申索保险赔偿,被判入狱两年。
- The second man said, "It's half empty". The HRM thought he was a pessimist and set him to review the insurance claims. 第二个人说:“杯里只有半杯水。”人事部经理认为他是个悲观主义者,便打发他去审查保险索赔。
- The logic seems flawless,as does the contracting out of labor such as insurance claims handling to freelance workers with terminals in their own home. 就如劳动要签订保险索赔之类的合同那样,对于自家拥有计算机终端的自由职业者来说,这种逻辑似乎也是无懈可击的。