- The fraud case causes great injuries to the company's reputation. 这起诈骗案对这家公司的声誉造成了极大的损失。
- The insurance premium fraud case was finally closed. 这起保险金诈骗案终于结案了。
- As the investigation deepens, more and more victims were involved in this fraud case. 随着调查的深入,越来越多的受害者被卷入这宗诈骗案中。
- The internet thrives on rumors, innuendo and allegations, particularly when a high profile fraud case is exposed. 当某一特大诈骗案曝光后,各种谣言,暗示,指控往往会随着网络而蔓延,盛行。
- Earlier the Caine has Miwuchongchong Shek fraud case, as is the case in the court proceedings in front of the world. 此前一直迷雾重重的坚石诈骗案案情,也随着该案进入法院审理程序而呈现于世人面前。
- Michael Adolf fraud case is true, but the Wall Street financial institutions to attract overseas investors, is not exactly the same? 麦道夫一案诚然是骗局,但主要的华尔街金融机构在吸引海外投资者时,做法难道不是如出一辙?
- Tuesday, about 30 representatives of major Jewish Foundation gathered in New York to discuss the fraud case against Michael Adolf potential action. 周二,大约有30名各大犹太基金会的代表聚集纽约,讨论针对麦道夫欺诈案的潜在行动。
- To convict someone in a criminal fraud case, it must be proved, beyond reasonable doubt that a dishonest act that caused deprivation was made with criminal intent. 如果要想证明被告的刑事诈骗罪,在不能凭借合理怀疑就定罪的原则下,证明导致受害者损失的这一不诚实行为存在刑事犯罪动机。
- He stressed that the Mai-Astoria fraud case for the implementation of the National Assembly since the Great Depression of the largest financial market reform legislation provided a reason. 他强调,麦道夫欺诈案为国会实行大萧条以来规模最大的一次金融市场法规改革提供了理由。
- Long Firm Fraud cases continued to be reported but in fewer numbers than in the past. 警方继续接获吸格公司骗案的举报,但数目已较往年为少。
- And now the government is pushing a bill through Parliament to abolish them in complex fraud cases. 如今政府正在通过议会推行一项议案,以废除在复杂诈骗案中的陪审团。
- Readers may be aware of the recently reported fraud cases involving the withdrawal of money from automatic teller machines ATMs. 读者可能都留意到最近报导有关自动柜员机提款的骗案。
- They've been caught up in several voter fraud cases as authorities grabbed a buttload of hard drives and documents - scientific phrase, by the way. 在当局扣留大量硬盘和文件时发现他们设计几宗选民欺诈案件,顺便说一句,这是科学用语。
- In that case you'll have to clear yourself. 那样,你只得自行辩白了。
- But Mr.Akerman, the computer fraud expert, said jail time was common even for first-time offenders in computer fraud cases. 但是反计算机欺诈专家阿克曼先生表示,即使对于计算机欺诈罪的初犯者,被判入狱监禁也是很寻常的。
- In this case, let's start earlier. 既然这样,我们就早点开始。
- With the exposure of fraud cases, like Enron and Worldcom, at home and abroad, the auditing quality of CPA has become focus of various circles of society. 随着以“安然”、“世通”为代表的国内外一系列的财务造假舞弊案的曝光,CPA的审计质量也成为社会各界关注的焦点,人们对CPA的审计质量、甚至CPA行业的信誉和存在的必要都提出了质疑。
- On Investigation of Credit Card Fraud Case 侦查信用卡诈骗案件之管见
- The authorities took measures to prevent tax fraud. 当局已采取措施防止偷税漏税。
- On the Fraud Case of COSO in USA 美国COSO舞弊财务报告研究及其借鉴