- The objective problems in the elements of the crime of fraud on commercial instruments shall be resolved by expanding interpretation in order to amend the inconsistency of legislation. 摘要票据诈骗罪犯罪构成客观要件争议问题应通过合理解释法条完成,并且主要通过法条的扩张解释弥补法条疏漏。
- The Difficulty Problem on the Objectivity of Fraud on Commercial Instrument 票据诈骗罪客观方面疑难问题探讨
- Research on the Objective Aspect and Object of the Crime of Fraud on Commercial Instrument 票据诈骗罪客体及客观方面研究
- fraud on commercial instrument 票据诈骗罪
- Analysis of Objective Problems in the Elements of the Crime of Fraud on Commercial Instruments 票据诈骗罪犯罪构成客观要件争议问题探析
- For the short of supervisory system, the swindle crimes on commercial instruments increased. 由于监管制度不全,利用票据进行诈编的犯罪也日益增多。
- What he did was a fraud on the customers. 他的所为是对顾客的一种欺骗行为。
- An Approach to the Act on Commercial Instrument as an Abstract Act 论票据行为的无因性
- Then, we advise on commercial agreements. 还有,我们要对商务协议提出意见。
- Risk to the perpetrator is extremely low for fraud on the web. 在网络上,他们所需要承担的风险是很低的。
- They can be used on commercial drawn shafts. 可适用于各种工业拉伸轴。
- Who is a cheater or someone who commits fraud on our sites? 对于作弊者(欺骗站点的会员)的定义到底是什么?
- The Legislative Estimate of the Act on Commercial Instrument as An Abstract Act 票据行为无因性立法之检视
- swindle crime on commercial instruments 票据诈骗
- Such machines would need to be tested for Easter egg fraud on election day. 这类机器必须在选举日当天测试,以检查是否有复活节彩蛋。
- The IWC voted to uphold the ban on commercial whaling. 国际捕鲸委员会投票支持禁止商业捕鲸。
- The Comparison Between the Abstractness of Act on Commercial Instrument and of Juristic Act of Right 票据行为无因性与物权行为无因性之比较
- Adventure Works Cycles uses batch processing to check for credit card fraud on their website. Adventure Works Cycles使用批处理来检查其网站上的信用卡欺诈。
- Not for a moment has the comment on commercial phenomenon been mentioned. 那个关于商业现象的评论从未被提及过。
- Cross-stitch fraud on the network to quickly became a succession of news reported. 十字绣加盟欺诈案一下子成了网络上纷纷报道的新闻。