- A picture that emerges from fragmentary information. 由拼凑不完整的信息而画出的画
- My major is the subject of chemical engineering. 我的专业是化学工程学。
- fragmentary engineering “零碎工程学”
- He was trained as an engineer/in engineering. 他受过担任工程师的[工程学方面的]培训。
- His knowledge of the subject is fragmentary. 有关这学科他的知识残缺不全。
- That bridge was a miracle of engineering. 那座桥是工程学上的一个奇迹。
- She's studying engineering at university. 她正在大学学习工程学。
- The facts that I have now are fragmentary. 现在我所掌握的事实只是一些断简残篇。
- She works for an engineering company. 她在一家工程技术公司工作
- Little odd fragmentary ends of things. 它就像是一些细小而又奇怪的碎片。
- The people only had a few fragmentary evidence. 警方仅有一些支离破碎的证据。
- Geopolitical engineering; social engineering. 地理政治操作法; 社会运作法
- The police only have fragmentary evidence. 警方仅有一些支离破碎的证据。
- What I heard was very fragmentary. 我只听到一句半句的。
- The police have only fragmentary evidence. 他孜孜不倦的干劲使我们大家羞愧。
- He chose genetic engineering to be his lifelong career. 他选择了遗传工程学作为终生的事业。
- I major in engineering, but this machine is hard to handle. 虽然我学的是机电专业,但这机器还是很难修。
- Data on the world production and use of pesticides is fragmentary. 世界上有关农药的生产和利用的材料是很分散的。
- In this course, students receive instruction in basic engineering. 在本课程中,学生能学到基础工程学的知识。
- His knowledge of the subject is no more than fragmentary. 他对这门学科只是一知半解。