- foveal region of retina [医] 视网膜中央凹区
- region of retina foveal 视网膜中心凹区
- He is an authority in the region of chemistry. 他是化学界的权威。
- It will cost in the region of $500. 它大约得花费五百美元。
- The darkest region of a sunspot. 太阳黑子中的最黑暗的区域
- Diseases of retina can cause vision lost over time. 视网膜疾病会随着时间导致视力逐渐丧失。
- The retina is specialized in having only a small region of tightly packed photoreceptors called the fovea. 视网膜是一个特化、且只有一小区域紧紧的附着光感受器,叫做中央小窝。
- The region of the United States west of the Mississippi River. 西部地区美国密西西比河以西的地区
- The region of the abdomen surrounding the navel. 脐部围绕肚脐的腹部部位
- An inland or upland region of a country. 一个国家的内陆地区或高地
- Localized pain in the region of the heart. 心痛心脏部位的局部疼痛
- He is earning a salary in the region of 25,000. 他当时的薪金在25,000英镑左右。
- The innermost region of cotton is called lumen. 棉纤维的最内层组织叫内腔。
- A grid is superimposed on the region of interest. 在所考虑的区域上勾画一个网格。
- The changes of retina thickness in fovea area and the coreected visual acuity were relative to abnormal changes in macula examined by OCT,but FFA only revealed abnormality 26.3% ( normal 22eyes of 14 patients). 而FFA检查未发现异常改变者为 14例 2 2只眼 ;异常率仅为 2 6 .;3%25。
- The upper middle region of the abdomen. 腹上部腹部的中上部分
- All the brain damage occurred in a region of the cerebrum known as the rhinencephalon. 所有脑部的伤害都发生在大脑部份称之为脑的地方。
- Although the Argon laser can effectively abolish the neovascualr membrane, photocoagulation therapy should be performed on those cases with neovascular membrane threatening the foveal region. 氩气雷射在本症之治疗上,有其优点,但只在新生血管膜威胁到中心凹时,方考虑为之。
- You can get it in the region of 50 yuan. 花五十元左右就可以把它买下来。
- Similarly, FasL expression was at peak in 24-48h in GCL and INL of retina. FasL在正常视网膜组织中低表达,于缺血再灌注12h表达升高,24h达到高峰,48h下降;