- Two to the fourth power is sixteen. 2的四次方等于16。
- We can raise any number to the fourth power by squaring it twice. 我们能把任一数平方两次就得到它的四次方。
- Power laws are logarithmic boltsmann laws! 幂律就是对数的玻尔兹曼律!
- We propose adding a term that is related to the fourth power of offset into the traveltime equation, and expressed it by a fraction expansion. 为此,在时距关系中增加含炮检距的四次项,并采用分式展开法表示该四次项,同时引入远偏移距收敛因子。
- The characteristics of power law fluid governing equation was elaborated and the effect of viscosity and flow exponent on two-phase flow was studied. 摘要阐述了幂律流体控制方程的特点,研究了幂律流体的稠度系数和流动指数的变化对两相流动的影响。
- Non-parametric estimations reveal that the fat tail of the distribution of stock return satisfies power law decay. 非参数估计显示股票收益分布的非正态性及“肥尾”现象,其尾部满足幂律衰减。
- Allan variance estimated by simulated noise and calculated theoretically using power law model are well matched. 采用白噪声通过FIR滤波器的方法近似地模拟了闪烁噪声。 模拟相噪得到的Allan方差估计值与幂律模型得到的Allan方差理论值符合得较好。
- Liu, Y-T &Newell, K.M. &Mayer-Kress, G. (2002).Exponential and power law performance curves in motor learning. 廖庭仪及刘有德.;(民92)
- The fourth power of 2 is 16. 2的4次方是16。
- The paper presents a method used to calculate annulus and bit hydraulics in power law fluid. 给出一种求幂律流体环空循环压耗及钻头水力参数的计算方法。
- Keywords: Complex system (network), cascading failure, power law, self-organized criticality (SOC). 关键词:复杂系统(复杂网络),连锁故障,幂指数律,自组织临界
- It is impossible to separate a cube into two cubes, or a fourth power into two fourth powers, or in general, any power higher than the second into two like powers. 把一个立方数分为两个立方数,一个四次幂分为两个四次幂,或一般地把一个高于二次的幂分为两个同次的幂,这是不可能的。
- Under both stress conditions, stress induced leakage current follows a power law against stress time with different power factors. 在这两种应力条件下,应力导致的漏电流(SILC)与时间的关系均服从幂函数关系,但是二者的幂指数不同。
- Shear thinning is characterized by the Power law fluid model. A mass conserving cavitation algorithm is used to solve the modified Reynolds equation. 幂律流体模型用来表征剪切变薄的流变学特征,质量守恒的油膜破裂算法用于雷诺方程的求解。
- Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension. 时间有时被称为第四度空间。
- A basic model of sacrificial layer-phosphosilicate-glass (PSG) etching was introduced ,and Power law model was elucidated in details. 介绍了在硅微机械加工的牺牲层释放中,氢氟酸(HF)腐蚀磷硅玻璃(PSG)模型的建立过程,详细阐述了Power law模型。
- Static rheological properties investigation showed that power law was observed for starch pastes and each paste was pseudoplasticity. 静态流变特性测定结果表明,在实验范围内,不同黄原胶含量的淀粉糊的流变模型为幂率模型,均为假塑性流体。
- In order to research into the flow characteristic of power law fluid's helical flow in concentric annulus,an experimental model was established. 为研究幂律流体同心环空螺旋流的流动特性,建立了流体的同心环空螺旋流动实验模型。
- In expansionary channel, as the increasing of power law exponent , the velocity isoline moves towards channel, the flowing area is enlarged. 研究表明,在扩张流道中,随着幂律指数的逐渐增大,速度等值线逐渐向凹角内伸展,流动区域增大;
- The Fourth Power Equation for Risering 冒口设计四次方程