- The elastic moduli Eijlm represents a tensor of the fourth order. 弹性模数Eijlm表示一个四阶张量。
- Concretely,the fourth order squeezing of the light field iis studied in detail. 我们详细研究了量子光场的四阶压缩特性,给出了四阶压缩的条件。
- The chain consists of a dual-mode,highly linear,fourth order Chebyshev active RC filter and three VGA stages. 基带由双模的高线性度的四阶切比雪夫形式的有源RC低通滤波器以及三级可变增益放大器构成。
- The scattering of time-domain pulse by the ionosphere was calculated using a fourth order (FD)2TD scheme. 采用具有四阶精度的时域有限差分法计算了电离层对时域脉冲的散射,然后应用小波变换求出了反射信号的时频分布。
- The initial boundary value problem of fourth order wave equation with dispersive and dissipative terms is studied. 摘要研究具色散和耗散项的四阶波动方程的初边值问题。
- It reduces the problem of solving double harmonic equation to the problem of solving the fourth order Euler equation by applying transformation. 这种方法是用变换将解重调和方程问题化简为解四阶欧拉方程问题
- On those points of fourth order lead which can not receiver the GPS signal, Leica TC1800 was used and achieved precision requirement. 在无法接收GPS信号的四等导线点按照常规方法利用TC1800测量,达到设计精度要求。
- This paper considers the finite difference method for a class of generalized fourth order dispersive and dissipative wave equation. 摘要研究了一类四阶非线性耗散、色散波动方程初边值问题的有限差分解法。
- We also extrapolate the expansion arid enhance the accuracy of the eigenvalue from the second order to the fourth order. 然后对误差展开式外推,收敛阶数可以从二阶提高到四阶,得到了高精度的解。
- Using the fourth order Runge-Kutta method, the equation of disorderly coupled pendulums with different simple pendulums is calculated. 摘要利用龙格-库塔法求解了不同单摆构成的耦合摆的运动方程,分析了由两个不同质量的小球组合的耦合摆的运动情况;
- With flexible definition of fourth order cumulant of the array output signal, the spectral peak searching is not necessary for the new separable approach. 通过巧妙定义阵列输出四阶累积量矩阵,该方法不需要谱峰搜索就可以估计信号二维到达方向。
- Focused on the asymptotic behaviour of mediant for fourth order Lagrange's mean value theorem and obtained the main results as followed (The equation is abbreviated). 摘要对四阶拉格朗日中值定理中间点的渐近性质进行了研究,得到的主要结果是(方程式略)。
- A class of singularly perturbed boundary value problem of weakly nonlinear equation for fourth order on the finite interval with two parameters is considered. 摘要讨论了一四阶具有双参数的弱非线性方程在有限区间上的奇摄动边值问题。
- Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension. 时间有时被称为第四度空间。
- A finite difference method with accuracies of fourth order in space and second order in time is proposed for time-periodic solutions of a nonlinear parabolic boundary value problem. 摘要建立了一个用于求解非线性抛物型方程时间周期解的有限差分方法,在空间和时间方向上该方法分别具有四阶和两阶精度。
- Mars is the fourth planet in order from the sun. 火星是太阳系的第四颗行星。
- In order not to be late, she cut across the fields. 为了不迟到,她抄近路穿过田野。
- We started early in order to arrive before dark. 为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了。
- The method is(1) fully explicit (2) fourth order of accuracy in time (3) high orderof accuracy in space by changing only one parameter (4) easy to operate on massively parallelcomputers efficiently, and it is robust in proceeding numerical problem. ( )通过对测试方案的求解和分析,可以看出该方法有如下的优点:(1)完全显式格式(2)时间上的四阶精度(3)仅仅通过改变一个参数就可以获得空间上的高阶精度(4)易于在并行的计算机上有效的执行,而且该数值方案有较强的健壮性。
- The existence of positive solutions is established for a superlinear singular boundary value problem of fourth order differential equations by using a fixed point theorem in a cone. 利用锥上的不动点定理给出了超线性四阶微分方程的奇异边值问题一种情况下的正解的存在性.