- A four leaf clover is believed to bring good luck. 四叶草能给人们带来好运。
- A best friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have. 好朋友就像一枚四片叶子的三叶草,难以寻找,一旦拥有却非常幸运。
- Best friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have. 识.;我觉得我是多么的幸福啊
- The mystique of the four leaf clover continues today, since finding a real four leaf clover is still a rare occurrence and omen of good luck. 四个叶片的三叶草的神秘延续至今。找到较为稀有的它被看作是要交好运了。
- Have four-leaf clover, happiness around the game a total of seven four leaf clover, are you willing to look for? 拥有四叶三叶草,幸福就在身边游戏里一共有七片四叶的三叶草,你是否愿意去寻找?
- Jenny: Come on! It's no different than a foreigner keeping a four leaf clover for good luck! 拜讬!这跟外国人保留四叶幸运草以求好运没什麽不同啊!
- The clover leaf represents pray two clover leaf clover represents the hope of clover represents love four leaf clover generation Table with happiness! 一叶的三叶草代表着祈求二叶的三叶草代表着希望三叶的三叶草代表着爱情四叶的三叶草代表着幸福!
- Real Insect, flowers, or four leaf clover embedded handicrafts from China , having HQ Key chains,Pendant,bracelets, necklaces, Handed ,bugs, insects, desk accessories, specimen mounts, paperweight. 我们生产昆虫、花草、幸运草、红豆饰品在内的系列产品树脂工艺品;高透明度的钥匙扣、手机链、胸坠,书镇,教具,台饰品等。我们目前生产1000多款时尚工艺品。
- Clover with four leaves, bring the felicity! 四叶的三叶草带来好运!
- Clover with four leaves bring the feliclty. 四叶的三叶草是幸福!
- Four Leaf is still|outside the perimeter, Sarge! |四叶还在防线外面啊,中士!
- The page size obtained by folding a whole sheet into four leaves. 四开将一张纸折叠成四页而获得的纸张尺寸
- A highway interchange at which two highways, one crossing over the other, have a series of entrance and exit ramps resembling the outline of a four - leaf clover and enabling vehicles to proceed in either direction on either highway. 苜蓿叶式立体交叉的公路两条高速公路的立体交叉道,一条穿过另一条,有一系列入口和出口坡道,与四叶苜蓿的外形相似,车辆在两条高速公路上均可驶入任一的两个方向
- Ten take away four leaves six (10-4=6). 十减去四等于六。
- Four-leaf clover, is a rare type of clover with four leaves, thought to bring good luck to anyone who finds it. 三叶草的花语:一叶代表祈求;两叶代表希望;三叶代表爱情;四叶代表幸福!
- In the legend, the clover with one leaf signifies to prayer, with two stands for hope, with three points to love, and the clover with four leaves alludes to happiness. 传说,一叶的三叶草是祈求,二叶的三叶草是希望,三叶的三叶草是爱情,而四叶的三叶草就是幸福
- Annulet knob, circle knob, there are four leafs petal form. 小环钮,圆钮座,有四出叶瓣形。
- After several years went on, with Nero on the leash, she began finding five and six leaf clovers! 之后的若干年继续前进,用皮带牵着尼禄,她开始寻找五个和六个叶的三叶草!
- For the other four leaf shapes - spathulate, denta-spathulate, cello-shaped and deltoid - more segments of Bezier curves were necessary for a good fitting. 对于三角形、匙形、齿匙形、提琴形等四种叶形来说,其误差较大,这些类型的叶片宜以多段的贝氏曲线进行几何模拟,以准确地逼近实际的叶片形状。
- Or how many leaves from it's stem extend. The four leafed clover. I only want happiness, knowing .I can never be yours to share it. 如果你能找到四叶三叶草,它就会给你带来幸福。不过,不要告诉任何人,它的白色花朵在哪里盛开。或者它有多少块叶子,四叶三叶草,希望让你得到幸福。却不能和你分享。