- Even when the president of the country talks to him,he'll only snap back. 即使该国的总统同他谈话,他也要反驳。
- The UK is made up of four countries. 联合王国由四个国家组成。
- They spent about a year touring these four countries. 他们花了约一年时间周游了这4个国家。
- During Vice President Xi's visit, he will have meetings and talks with leaders of the four countries, exchanging views on bilateral relations and issues of common interest. 答:习近平副主席对四国访问期间,将与四国主要领导人举行会谈、会见,就双边关系和共同关心的问题交换意见。
- I declare, it is really amusing to hear the Southerners and Westerners of this country talk about barbarity, that it is positively enough to make a man smile... 使我更加吃惊的是,我看到这张人道的报纸上登了三个男人的图片,在他们的背上烙有梅花印记,并附有一则通告,高价悬赏拿他们逮捕归案。
- We pass through four countries on our way to greece. 我们在前往希腊的途中经过了四个国家。
- We passed through four countries on our way to Greece. 我们在前往希腊的途中经过了四个国家。
- Here is India, States, South Korea, Japan, the four countries wedding dress. 这里有印度,国,韩国,日本四个国家的婚礼服。
- While in Hanoi, Mr.Bush met on the sidelines of the APEC summit with leaders of the other four countries involved in the six-party talks with North Korea - Russia, China, Japan and South Korea. 布什总统出席了在河内举行的亚太经合组织峰会,并会见了参与朝鲜核问题六方会谈的其他四国领导人-俄罗斯、中国、日本和韩国。
- When pilots or sailors from different countries talk to each other, they usually do so in English. 当来自不同国家的飞行员或海员相互交谈时,通常使用的是英语。
- One bullet, an accident, four countries( Morocco, United States, Japan, Mexico), four families who have never met. 一颗子弹,一次意外,四个国家(洛哥、国、本、西哥)四个始终没有相遇的家庭。
- Ministers from all four countries involved will meet at the conference table this week. 有关四国将各派部长于本周开会协商。
- Today, only four countries in the world remain polio-endemic (India, Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan). 今天,世界上只有4个国家仍然流行脊髓灰质炎(印度、尼日利亚、巴基斯坦和阿富汗)。
- One of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 组成联合王国的四个国家之一。
- England is the largest of the four countries and for convenience it is divided roughly into three zones. 在这四个国家中,英格兰是最大的。为方便起见,它大致可以划分为三个地区。
- Sexual habits were similar in all four countries - but the first two circumcise while the northern ones don't. 在这四个国家的性习惯非常接近,但前两个国家有割礼,而在北部的一些地方没有。
- With the establishment of banks of four countries, the Qing government lost autonomy and became an on-looker. 但是,随着四国银行团的成立,清政府对借款失去了自主权,并成为一个旁观者。
- The Group has operating subsidiaries in four countries with TMC Wuhan as one of them. 现由于集团业务快速发展,应澳大利亚达马公司要求,为其特聘质量工程师一名。
- That was the case of last week's rescue by four countries of the Benelux banks Dexia and Fortis. 上个星期,四个国家向荷卢银行伸出了援手。
- Four countries shared the top rating: Finland, Iceland, Ireland and the Netherlands. 有四个国家等级最高:芬兰、岛、尔兰和荷兰。