- A This is the problem of a liquid crystal panel. 此现象为液晶面板的问题。
- The videodisc is made of liquid crystal polymers. 影碟是由液晶聚合物制成的。
- Four armed robbers forced their way into a Long Island house where they tortured a woman with a hot iron, then made off with$5,000 in cash and jewelry, police said yesterday. 警方昨天说,四名挟带武器的强盗闯入长岛一户住宅,用烧热的熨斗折磨一位妇女,然后抢走了5000元的现金和珠宝。
- Liquid crystal ink added with crystallizability. 液晶油墨中加进了具有结晶性能的化合物。
- The liquid crystal was cholesteric. 该液晶是胆甾型的。
- Nanjing Huari Liquid Crystal Display Technical Co., Ltd. 南京华日液晶显示技术有限公司。
- Liquid crystal electronic constant-speed operating functions. 液晶电子式无段变速操作功能。
- Liquid crystal material greatly entire, got down had a look. 液晶资料大全,下了看看吧。
- The display may be liquid crystal or light emitting diode. 可以采用液晶或发光二极管显示。
- O thousand armed one, I wish to see You as before; crowned with mace and discus in hand, O universal form do assume that former four armed form. 千臂的主啊,我想看您像从前一样,头戴盔甲,手持法杖、法蝶、法螺、及莲花的形象。求您还原您原来的四臂形象吧。
- Also known as AMLCD (active matrix liquid crystal display). 此外作为AMLCD(活跃的基体液晶显示幕)知道。
- Four armed men stopped his new car as it slowed down to make a turn, disabled the chauffeur with Mace spray, and pulled him into another car. 当他的新车减速拐弯时,4名武装人员用梅斯气制服司机后,把他拉进了另一辆车。
- A Research on Tunable Liquid Crystal Fabry-Perot Filter[J]. 引用该论文 黄腾超;陈海星;李海峰;顾培夫;沈亦兵.
- In the south of France, he has a team of four armed operatives who carry 9mm Glock pistols while guarding his vast villa. 在法国南部他有一个手持9mmGlock手枪的四人武装小组在他区别墅时保护他。
- Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulator Based on BSO[J]. 引用该论文 Shi Tao;Huang Ziqiang;Zhang Cuiyu.
- Thermosensitive Liquid Crystal Polymer Color Image Display[J]. 引用该论文 史永基;史建军;史红军.
- Four armed robbers forced their way into a Long Island house where they tortured a woman with a hot iron,then made off with $5,000 in cash and jewelry,police said yesterday. 警方昨天说,四名挟带武器的强盗闯入长岛一户住宅,用烧热的熨斗折磨一位妇女,然后抢走了5000元的现金和珠宝。
- Singlechip with DS1302 for a time, using liquid crystal display. 单片机用DS1302进行计时,用液晶进行显示。
- Four armed robbers forced their way into a Long Island house where they tortured a woman with a hot iron, then made off with $5,000 in cash and jewelry, police said yesterday. 警方昨天说,四名挟带武器的强盗闯入长岛一户住宅,用烧热的熨斗折磨一位妇女,然后抢走了5000元的现金和珠宝。
- Research of a new kind of liquid crystal depolarizer[J]. 引用该论文 王建军;林宏奂;隋展;邓青华;李明中.