- founding new army 创建新型军队
- From his tainted blood a new army of barbaric fel orcs has risen. 从他的污血之中,一只狂暴的混沌兽人军团已经崛起了。
- A new army was brought into being as the result of moving divisions from another front. 从另一战线调集数师部队成立了一个新军。
- The companies that manufacture the new Army and Marine Corps helmets do not have a relationship with SMC. 为陆军和海军陆战队制造新式头盔的公司与SMC没有任何关系.
- Taiping insurance companies Zhuhai Zhuhai center set up last year within the insurance industry a new army. 太平保险珠海中心支公司是珠海市去年成立的一支保险业新军。
- Maiev and her soldiers fought the naga and their traitorous elven friends, but the new army outnumbered hers, and eventually she was defeated. 鉴于她对伊利丹执著的仇恨,而他的健在很明显对她而言是个不好的征兆。
- By the time Tyrande established the night elves' new army, the Sentinels, Jarod had deliberately faded into the background. 此时,泰兰德建立了一支新的的暗夜精灵军队,名为哨兵,迦洛德故意躲在幕后。
- Aiming to play the new risk-free returns, a collection of financial product brokerage fervent participation in the new army to fight. 瞄准打新的无风险收益,券商集合理财产品火热参与打新大军。
- But as the number of shops and restaurants increases, many artists are again following his lead, and founding newer artists villages further away from Beijing. 不过,随着该地商店和餐馆的不断增多,很多艺术家再次追随他的脚步,在离北京更远的地方建立新的“画家村”。
- After Iraq's first free elections in January 2005, a series of offensives brought Haifa Street under the control of Iraq's new army. 伊拉克于2005年一月举行首次自由选举之后,伊拉克新军针对叛乱分子采取了一系列进攻,重新控制了海法街。
- Musharraf resigned as army chief on Wednesday.Vice Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani will take over as the new army chief. 星期三,穆沙拉夫辞去陆军参谋长一职,副参谋长基亚尼接任参谋长。
- Disbanding the former night elf army, most of which had been based on lineage rather than ability, Tyrande organized a new army called the Sentinels. 结果导致巨魔对他们的新对手报有一种敬畏的情绪。这场早期的冲突可能正是巨魔对于精灵祖先的假说的诞生根源。
- The new army,known as the Anti-Japanese Dare-to-Die Corps,was the people's anti-Japanese army of Shansi which grew up under the influence and leadership of the Communist Party. 新军,指抗日战争初期,由中国共产党人在与阎锡山建立统一战线的过程中组建和领导的、以山西青年抗敌决死队为主力的山西人民的抗日武装。
- The Hollanders, who founded New Netherland, and the French Huguenots left their mark chiefly on commerce. 开拓新尼德兰的荷兰人和法国雨格诺教徒主要只在商业上留下了痕迹。
- The communist government faces a difficult balancing act as it tries to manage the growing demand for greater freedom from Chinas new army of consumers. 中国新涌现的这批消费大军对更多自由的渴望与日俱增,如何控制和平衡这种需求增长,将是中国政府面临的一个难题。
- I only know that Turk like fight with white blade specially,even if after the foundation of new army they're still like that before,so Turkey cold weapon is very famous. 我只知道土耳其-突厥人特别喜欢白刃作战,即便是创立了新军使用火枪依然如故,所以土耳其的冷兵器相当有名。
- Ababa on this new army is no stranger to Denmark, the League Cup last season third Spurs ball reversal of Aalborg, Bulgaria is the home team blew a man-made Chongfeng Hao. 贝巴对这支丹麦新军并不陌生,上赛季联盟杯热刺三球逆转阿尔堡,正是保加利亚人为主队吹响了冲锋号。
- They found some new outlets for their products. 他们为自己的产品找到了一些新的市场。
- Its ministers' vague talk about the need for peaceful dialogue was undercut by the new army chief, who said India wanted to maintain its close relationship with the regime. 该国部长们发出的有关需要进行和平对话的模糊言论被该国新任陆军参谋长的讲话所削弱。他说,印度希望与缅甸政府维持密切的关系。
- But in recent months motorists have faced a new army of private parking wardens who enforce a no-tolerance policy with on-the-spot fines and digital photos taken in evidence. 但最近几个月车主面临一群新的私人停车监管员,他们执行的是不容忍的政策,当场罚款并拍摄数码相片作为证据。