- forward surgical team 前沿外科手术队
- One member of the surgical team administer s the checklist. 外科手术组的一位成员提供了安全清单。
- One member of the surgical team administers the checklist. 外科小组的一名成员负责管理清单。
- As part of a surgical team, Barron helped give Zahida Parveen prosthetic eyes, ears, and a nose. barron是外科手术小组的成员,他给Zahida Parveen戴上了精制的双眼、双耳和鼻部假体。
- The surgical team consists of a senior surgeon, an anesthetist and a theater sister with complete emergency equipment. 这个外科医疗队由一名高级外科医师、一名麻醉师及一名手术室护士组成,并带有整套急救设备。
- The rest of the surgical team is preparing at the same time.These assistants are students in our externship program. 剩下的外科手术成员这个时候需要准备,这些助手都是学生。
- However, Newman said the chances are good that the surgical team will be able to separate the twins safely and successfully. 不过,纽曼说,这次两姐妹能够安全、成功地分离的机会还是很大的。
- Bleeding can usually be controlled by external compression by a gloved finger during the preparation and until the complete surgical team is at hand. 控制出血:在准备手术和等待血管外科专业医生到来之前,可以戴无菌手套在出血部位压迫起到暂时止血的目的。
- Objective To improve the quality of cooperation in the surgical team and the security with percutaneous nephrolithotomy. 目的为了提高经皮肾镜治疗肾结石的手术配合质量和安全性。
- Objective To improve the quality of cooperation in the surgical team and the security wi0th percutaneous nephrolithotomy. 摘要目的为了提高经皮肾镜治疗肾结石的手术配合质量和安全性。
- Last year, he was part of a surgical team that successfully performed such an operation on a pair of twin boys from Wisconsin. 去年,他参与的医疗小组成功为来自威斯康辛州的一对孪生男孩进行了分离手术。
- There my surgical team and I replaced the weakened part of Carmela's aorta with an artificial vessel made of Dacron, a fabric that is woven into a flexible but sturdy tube. 我和我的手术小组将卡蜜拉受损变弱的主动脉区段,以一段达克龙制的人工血管取代;
- Mr James Bainbridge, who leads the surgical team, said: "It is very encouraging that we can deliver genes to an extremely fragile site in the eye without complications. 领导手术队伍的JamesBainbridge说:“我们能够将基因导入眼睛的一个极度易碎的部位,而且没有并发症,这是很让人鼓舞的。”
- Surgical teams accidentally leave clamps,sponges and other tools inside about 1,500 patients nationwide each year. 在美国,每年约有1500名病人体内留有糊涂医生做手术时忘记收拾的钳子、纱布及其他工具。
- There were no significant differences between the surgical teams performing the procedures, and the patients in both groups were demographically well matched. 不同的手术团队之间所进行的手术并没有显著差异,而且这两组病患在人口统计学上也是相符的;
- My foot caught in a creeper and I pitched forward. 藤蔓缠住我的脚,使我向前倒下。
- Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦提出了相对论的新学说。
- We look forward to the return of spring. 我们期待着春天的到来。
- Many activists have come forward. 涌现了大批积极分子。
- civilian specialized surgical team 地方专科手术队