- fornical commissure 穹窿连合, 海马连合
- Eighty-eight patients of them had anterior commissure involvement. 结果三组的五年生存率分别为76%25,80%25和73%25。
- The transverse fibres or commissure unite the two ganglia of a pair. 横行的纤维即接索则把成对的两个神经节连在一起。
- Pinnae ovate-obovate, apex mucronate or obtuse. Vittae 2 on commissure. 羽片卵形倒卵形,顶具短尖的或钝。油管在合生面上2。
- It was interesting that the VIP neurons were also found in anterior commissure nucleus. vip样神经元也出理于前连合核,此发现尚未见报道。
- The anterior two third of glottis (phonatory portion), mucosa over the posterior commissure and the arytenoids muscle all remain intact. 此过程只影响杓状软骨内侧,然而声门前三分之二的发声区,后黏合处的黏膜及杓状肌皆保持完好。
- Method:The clinical date of 59 patients with partial vertical laryngectomy and consequent anterior commissure reconstruction were analysed. 方法:总结因喉癌行垂直喉部分切除前联合重建术59例患者的临床资料。
- Conclusion:The anterior commissure reconstruction with cervical semi-thickness flap can decrease the rate of laryngeal stric... 结论:用颈部半厚皮瓣重建前联合,明显减少了喉腔粘连狭窄和肉芽组织增生,新喉功能恢复良好。
- At my furthest stretch I had got my finger as far as the commissure of the mouth and had been startled by a twitch of the little creature's tongue. 我胳膊伸得最长的一次,曾经够到了它的嘴,这小生命突然舔了我一下,把我吓一跳。
- Snow peach fruit is round or oval, fruit rostellum a small sharp commissure clear that both sides of the symmetry, beautiful shape. 雪桃的果实为圆形或长圆形,果顶突有小尖,合缝明显,两侧对称,外形美观。
- The tectospinal, vestibulospinal and reticulospinal descend ipsilaterally in the anterior column, but do not synapse across the anterior white commissure. 在前柱中,顶盖脊髓束、前庭脊髓束和网状脊髓束会和身体作同侧地下降,但不会穿过及与前白连合建立突触。
- Objective:To study the effect of anterior commissure reconstruction following partial vertical laryngectomy in case of postoperative laryngeal stricture. 目的:探讨垂直喉部分切除术后前联合重建避免喉腔狭窄的疗效。
- Objective To improve the cutis laxa and pendulous skin of the pars buccalis,lower mandible and labial commissure through the suspension of SMAS with small incision in the front of antilobium. 目的通过耳屏前小切口,悬吊SMAS,以改善面颊部及下颌部,口角部的皮肤松弛下垂、达到面部除皱效果。
- They were presented as symetrical high density calcified focis,which were located in the area of basal ganglia, nuclei dentatus cellebella and corticomedular commissure of fronto-parietal lobe. 发现甲旁减患者颅内钙化以基底节、小脑齿状核和额顶叶皮髓质交界区为多见,分布两侧较对称,内囊未见受累。
- lateral white commissure of spinal cord 脊髓白质外侧连合
- habenular commissure of habenulae 缰连合
- anterior commissure laryngectomy 前连合喉切除术
- anterior commissure laryngoscope 前连合喉镜
- Lateral commissure of mitral valve 二尖瓣外联合
- Left commissure of pulmonic valve 肺动脉瓣左联合