- She could not formulate her ideas in a few words. 她无法用几句话阐明她的思想。
- My own criterion of success is the ability to work joyfully. 我自己成功的标准是能够快乐地工作。
- formulate criteria 订出标准
- A standard of measurement or judgment; a criterion. 标准测量或判断的标谁; 标准
- No attempt was made to formulate a complete list of all possible criteria in this paper. 本文并不想对所有可能的准则列出全面的清单。
- She can not formulate her idea in a few word. 她无法用几句话阐明她的思想。
- An experiment was made to check up on the reliability of certain criteria. 已经进行了一项实验以检查某些标准的可靠性。
- We can then formulate the following rules. 我们可以作出下列规定。
- He struggled to formulate an answer. 他努力字斟句酌地回答。
- Practice is the sole criterion of truth. 实践是检验真理的唯一标准。
- What are the criteria for deciding (ie How do we decide) who gets the prize? 评定获奖者以什麽作标准?
- Before we formulate our countermeasures. 再来制定策略吧。
- This is my motto is that I act the criteria! 这是我的座右铭,是我行为的准则!
- They first formulate it inside and then express it. 他们先在心里衡量规画之后才会表达出来。
- The criteria of this social life are brutal. 这种社交生活中标尺是残酷无情的。
- He took care to formulate his reply very clearly. 他字斟句酌, 清楚地做了回答。
- Objective To develop quality criteria of flu tea. 摘要目的建立流感茶的质量标准。
- Formulate a long-term plan to develop productivity. 制定促进生产的长期计划。
- So formulate a plot fore I end up in jail or shot. 首先形成一个策划,要么就坐牢或被射杀的结局。
- How to implement the Baldrige Award criteria? 怎样实施波多里奇奖标准?