- form template customization 单据自定制
- Add custom code to the form template that sends the query. 在表单模板中添加发送查询的自定义代码。
- The form template may not function as expected. 表单模板可能无法按预期工作。
- If you want to submit only some of the data, you can do so by writing custom code for the form template. 如果只想提交部分数据,则可以通过为表单模板编写自定义代码,实现此目的。
- Distribute the form template in an e-mail message to your users. 在电子邮件中将表单模板分发给用户。
- Select the Inherited Form template, and name it in the Name box. 选择“继承的窗体”模板,并在“名称”框中为其命名。
- A form template can have only one main data connection. 一个表单模板只能包含一个主数据连接。
- For example, form regions allow you to override any part of an Outlook form template or custom form, including the first form page. 例如,窗体区域允许更改Outlook窗体模板或自定义窗体的任何组成部分,包括第一个窗体页。
- When team members add the template part to the Controls task pane, it appears under the Custom heading and can be inserted onto a form template. 当团队成员将模板部件添加到“控件”任务窗格时,模板部件将出现在“自定义”标题下,并且可插入到表单模板上。
- Describes the three key concepts about process template customization and provides links to the topics that address these concepts. 描述关于过程模板自定义的三个重要概念,并提供链接指向对这些概念进行说明的主题。
- Does the form template still meet their needs, or have those needs changed? 表单模板是否仍满足用户的需求,或者用户的需求是否有所改变?
- If your form template contains script, click Microsoft Script Editor. 如果表单模板包含脚本,请单击“Microsoft脚本编辑器”。
- The form template is attempting to redirect itself to a different and potentially unsafe location. 表单模板试图重定向到可能不安全的其他位置。
- In most cases, you will configure one submit data connection as the main submit action for your form template. 在大多数情况下,您需要配置一个提交数据连接作为表单模板的主提交操作。
- A secondary data connection is a data connection that you add to a form template. 辅助数据连接是您添加到表单模板的数据连接。
- It is recommended that you follow the order of tasks listed below when designing your form template. 在设计表单模板时,建议您遵循下面列出的任务顺序。
- In the Form template code language list, click the language that you want to use in the form template. 在“表单模板代码语言”列表中,单击要在表单模板中使用的语言。
- In the Form template code language list, under Programming language, click VBScript. 在“表单模板代码语言”列表中的“编程语言”下,单击“VBScript”。
- In the Label box, type the name that you want to appear on the button on your form template. 在“标签”框中,键入希望显示在表单模板中的按钮上的名称。
- End users can have access to the functionality of this assembly no matter which form or form template is open. 不管打开了哪个表单或表单模板,最终用户都能访问此程序集的功能。