- form of constructing network 组网方式
- No form of construction likely to harbour vermin should be used. 不得使用容易隐藏害虫的构造方式。
- It means that for attackers there exists a way of constructing network datagrams that contain wrong data. 它指的是攻击者有办法构造包含错误数据的网络数据报。
- This text studies this problem from the angle of constructing network teaching terrace and tries to resolve this problem betterly by establishing network teaching terrace. 本文从建设网络教学平台的角度来研究分析该问题,希望通过建立网络教学平台这样一个系统来更好地解决这个问题。
- Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid. 大多数合成洗涤剂呈粉状或液态。
- The ginpole is the simplest form of derrick. 起重吊杆是一种最简单的起重机。
- Some biological molecules have the form of a helix. 有些生物分子呈螺旋状。
- It is possible to transmute one form of energy into another. 把某种形态的能量改变成另一形态的能量是可能的。
- After analyzing the predominance and shortcoming of network classification, this article tells you the necessity of Constructing network classification and the basic principles of constructing networking classification. 本文通过对网络分类法的优势及其缺点的分析,阐述了网络分类法存在的必要性,探讨了构建网络分类法的基本原则。
- There is a standard form of oath used in lawcourts. 法庭中使用的誓词有固定的格式。
- I intend that a new form of construction emerges that honors the land. 我希望让一种新的建筑方式出现来尊重大地。
- The elephant's trunk is a unique form of appendage. 象的鼻子是一种独特的附肢。
- The act or process of constructing. 构筑建筑的行为或过程
- A gem cut in the form of a narrow rectangle. 狭长形宝石被切成细条形的宝石
- Swimming is a good form of exercise. 游泳是一种很好的运动。
- Fictitious companies, as a new form of companies, differs greatly from the entity of traditional accountancy, which determines the necessity of constructing a new system of accountancy supposition. 虚拟公司是一种新兴的公司形式,与传统会计实体相差甚远的特点决定了其会计假设体系需要重新构建。
- Such ill-paid farm work is a form of servitude. 这种农活儿工资低得可怜,简直是苦役。
- As a matter of fact, light is a form of energy. 其实,光是能的一种形式。
- Drug-taking is a form of escapism for some people. 对有些人来说,吸毒是一种逃避现实的手段。
- survey and design of construction network 施工网测设