- form and meaning of JIONG 囧的形义
- Performance depends on familiarity with the form and meaning of everyday words and their use in connected speech. 考生的语言能力取决于:在连贯的交谈中是否熟悉日常词汇的形式、意义及用法。
- The theory explores the connections between the form and meaning of language, so as to explain the relationship between language and the system of human cognition. 该理论从认知科学的角度,探讨语言形式与语言意义的表述关系,目的在于解释语言与认知系统之间的联系。
- Form and meaning correlate to each other. 形式与意义互有关联。
- No one could spy out the intent and meaning of it. 没有人能查出它的意图和意义。
- This paper talks about the unify of combination of form and meaning of formation of pictophmetic characters in aspect of relationship between meaning and symbol of pictophmetic characters. 对此从形声字字义与义符义的关系来谈谈形声造字法形义结合的统一性。
- In semiology, the form and meaning of the art gallery are deconstructed and recombined to represent the art gallery's character, which decides the direction and the further space of its development. 文章并对古根海姆美术馆纽约分馆、现代艺术美术馆和卢浮宫进行实证案例分析得出结论。
- Of or resembling an amoeba, especially in changeability of form and means of locomotion. 变形虫的变形虫的,象变形虫似的,尤指在形状变化和运动方式方面
- Of or resembling an amoeba,especially in changeability of form and means of locomotion. 变形虫的变形虫的,象变形虫似的,尤指在形状变化和运动方式方面
- To master concept, contents and meaning of pathology. 掌握病理学的概念、研究内容及其意义。
- Efficiency has the meaning of ways and means. 公平具有目的的意义,效率具有手段的意义。
- Chapter Three tried to explain the reasons and meanings of Kafka"s opening writings in the form and why the novels had no ends. 第三,本文从卡夫卡作品没有结尾这一小说形式入手,探寻了卡夫卡作品“敞开”的原因及其意义。
- Expression and meaning of MMP -9 in fetal membranes of PROM. MMP-9在胎膜早破产妇胎膜中的表达和意义
- The study of ambiguity can fmd out the difference meanings of the same form, so that we can have a deep understanding of the complicated relationship between form and meaning of language. 歧义研究可以考察表面相同的形式实质上的差异,进而使我们深化对语言的形式与意义之间复杂关系的认识,所以历来是语法研究的热点之一。
- He explored ways and means of solving the question. 他寻找解决问题的方法。
- Varied ways and means of philately II. 多姿多彩的集邮方式2。
- This paper investigates forms and meanings of six constructions, analyses senses and roles of the "yige+VP/AP". 本文考察六种句式的构成和句式义,分析“一个+动词语”、“一个+形容词语”在不同句式中的语义和作用。
- Discussion on the Form and Meaning of the Word "Zhe" "者"字形义探微
- They are live units, which carry dual aesthetic value of form and meaning. 它们是有生命的造型单元 ,有着形式和意蕴的双重审美价值。
- The Essence, Form And Meaning Of The Labor Value Theory Of Karl Marx 马克思劳动价值论的本质、形式和意义