- They are trying to form a united front. 他们正试图结成一个联合阵线。
- Therefore,at such times,the proletariat should form a united front with the national bourgeoisie and maintain it as far as possible. 因此,无产阶级在这种一定的时期内,应该同民族资产阶级建立统一战线,并尽可能地保持之。
- Therefore, at such times, the proletariat should form a united front with the national bourgeoisie and maintain it as far as possible. 因此,无产阶级在这种一定的时期内,应该同民族资产阶级建立统一战线,并尽可能地保持之。
- Pompey, an insurgent force against Rome, has become enough of a threat to the Roman Empire that Anthony and Caesar form a truce in order to present a united front. 拿破仑在这封信中表现出他对约瑟芬炽烈的爱意。
- Here, the task of the proletariat is to form a united front with the national bourgeoisie against imperialism and the bureaucrat and warlord governments without overlooking its revolutionary quality. 在这里,无产阶级的任务,在于不忽视民族资产阶级的这种革命性,而和他们建立反帝国主义和反官僚军阀政府的统一战线。
- At such times,in order to weaken the enemy and add to its own reserves,the Chinese proletariat may form a united front with these groups and should maintain it as far as possible,provided it is advantageous to the revolution. 在这种一定的时期内,中国无产阶级为了削弱敌人和加强自己的后备力量,可以同这样的大资产阶级集团建立可能的统一战线,并在有利于革命的一定条件下尽可能地保持之。
- Here,the task of the proletariat is to form a united front with the national bourgeoisie against imperialism and the bureaucrat and warlord governments without overlooking its revolutionary quality. 在这里,无产阶级的任务,在于不忽视民族资产阶级的这种革命性,而和他们建立反帝国主义和反官僚军阀政府的统一战线。
- The Chinese revolution at the present stage is a revolution in which all these people form a united front against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism and in which the working people are the main body. 现阶段的中国革命,即是由这些人们团结起来,组成反帝、反封建、反官僚资本主义的统一战线,而又以劳动人民为主体的革命。
- During new China agrarian reform, we have formed a united front of the great anti-feudal based on a starting point to liberate and develop productive forces. 新中国土地改革中,以解放和发展生产力为出发点和落脚点,组成了一条伟大的反封建统一战线。
- We must show a united front against the enemy. 对敌人我们必须表现出团结一致的态度。
- It's imperative for us to present a united front. 我们必须团结一致。
- We must be unified into a united front. 我们必须联合起来结成统一战线。
- These parts are connected to form a unit. 这些部件连接在一起,组成了一个单元。
- It is an error of "Left" closed-doorism to regard the bourgeoisie in China as being the same as in the capitalist countries,and consequently to neglect the policy of forming a united front with the bourgeoisie and maintaining it for as long as possible. 这种错误,把中国的资产阶级和资本主义国家的资产阶级看作一样,因而忽视同资产阶级建立统一战线并尽可能保持这个统一战线的政策,这就是“左”倾关门主义。
- If human beings should be discovered on Mars or Venus, we would then discuss the matter of uniting with them and forming a united front. 如果发现火星或者金星上有人,那个时候我们再来交涉关于团结他们,建立统一战线的问题。
- Their feeling interacts to form a unitive integer. 他俩的感觉联系起来,构成了统一的整体。
- Therefore, in forming a united front with the bourgeoisie (and especially with the big bourgeoisie), the party of the proletariat must carry on a stern and resolute struggle on two fronts. 因此,无产阶级的政党在同资产阶级(尤其是大资产阶级)组织统一战线的问题上,必须实行坚决的、严肃的两条战线斗争。
- It has been suggested that in order to present a united front to a threatening world, the minority should now surrender its convictions and join the majority. 有人建议,力了对威胁我们的世界组成统一战绩,少数派现在不应谴责多数派,而应加入多数派。
- Therefore,in forming a united front with the bourgeoisie (and especially with the big bourgeoisie),the party of the proletariat must carry on a stern and resolute struggle on two fronts. 因此,无产阶级的政党在同资产阶级(尤其是大资产阶级)组织统一战线的问题上,必须实行坚决的、严肃的两条战线斗争。
- It is none other than to form a broad revolutionary national united front. 不是别的,就是建立广泛的民族革命统一战线。