- forge constantly onwards 坚定不移地稳步前进
- His wife was a constant inspiration to him. 他的妻子经常鼓励他。
- The shop is open from this day onwards. 该店从今天起开始营业。
- Age stole onward and benumbed me more and more. 年纪渐老使得我(反应)越来越迟钝。
- These desires gnawed away at us constantly. 这些欲望不断地折磨我们。
- Donald be forced to forge a signature. 唐纳德被迫伪造签字。
- She was constantly spurred on by a fear of failure. 对失败的恐惧不断地激励着她。
- His untidiness constantly niggled her. 他邋邋遢遢总惹她讨厌。
- He constantly writes articles for the local paper. 他经常给当地报纸写文章。
- They tried to forge an alliance. 他们试图建立同盟。
- Her constant complaining just sticks in my craw. 她那不断的诉苦真使我受不了。
- The forge belched redly at the sky. 那炼铁厂喷射出红光到空中。
- The Gypsies are a race constantly on the move. 吉普赛人不时在迁移流动。
- They're constantly at odds with each other. 他们常互相争吵。
- She was constantly ribbed about her accent. 人家总拿她的口音开玩笑。
- The car has to be constantly maintained. 汽车必须经常保养。
- The machinery requires constant maintenance. 这些机器需要经常保养维修。
- I was infuriated by/with their constant criticism. 他们没完没了地批评把我给气坏了。
- A constant, variable, function name, or expression. 一种常数、变量、函数名或表达式。
- The plane's onward movement was slowed by adverse winds. 飞机前进的速度因逆风而减慢。