- The article proposes a new topographic correction approach in analyzing TM images in forest terrain based on the SCS and STS models. 基于山地遥感地形校正方法中的STS朗伯体模型和SCS模型,结合TM影像,提出了一种新的森林地形校正方法。
- They can be bridges, streams, large open lanes in forested terrain, or even streets in an urban environment. 桥梁,溪谷,树林之间的开阔路,甚至城市道路等等。
- The heavily forested terrain around Lake Ilmen provided great cover for the partisans, who struck at night and melted back into their sanctuaries. 伊尔门湖附近茂密的森林为游击队提供了很好的保护,他们在夜间袭击,然后撤回他们的庇护所。
- They then formed the right flank of Manstein's advance to the so-called Stalin Line, which ran south from Pskov through the heavily forested terrain that was also full of lakes. 他们作为曼施泰因的右翼向斯大林防线前进,那里位于普斯科夫南部,环绕着湖边全是茂密的森林。
- The forest will act as a defense against desert dust. 森林能起防御沙漠灰沙的作用。
- The commander made a detailed study of the terrain. 司令员对地形作了仔细研究。
- It is said that there are wolves in this forest. 据说这片森林里有狼。
- Eventually he spotted the airstrip spread out on a level terrain. 他终于找到了那个伸展在平地上的简易机场。
- A large part of Africa is made up of thick forest. 非洲的大部分地区都是密林。
- A jeep is ideal for driving over rough terrain. 吉普车很适合在高低不平的路面上行驶。
- Bumped along slowly over the rocky terrain. 在多石地带缓慢地颠簸前进
- There is a leafy forest in our hometown. 在我们的家乡有一片树叶茂密的森林。
- There is a pine forest near our house. 我们家附近有片松树林。
- Billows of flame swept through the forest. 熊熊烈火席卷森林。
- The forest was almost impassable. 森林几乎不可逾越。
- The path petered out deep in the forest. 小路漫漫消失在密林深处。
- The cottage was a casualty of the forest fire. 那小屋被森林大火烧毁。
- The wind wailed in the forest all night. 风在林子里彻夜呼啸。
- He blundered through the dark forest. 他跌跌撞撞地穿过黑暗的森林。
- He went to the forest on horseback. 他骑马去森林了。