- forest region subsidy 林区津贴
- They ran a railroad into the forest region. 他们修筑铁路使之通入林区。
- Bryophytes in alpine forest regions of Sichuan. 四川高山林区的苔藓植物.
- The Daxinanling forest region, is a beautiful big garden, also is a inexhaustible treasure house. 大兴安岭林区,是一座美丽的大花园,也是一座取之不尽的宝库。
- Design on the adjustment and the rebuilding of industry macropolicy in stateowned forest region... 调整和重构国有林区产业政策的宏观思路设计;
- Ma Kehe Forest Region is one of the core areas in San Jiangyuan National Nature Reserve. 三江源自然保护区玛珂河林区的草本植物对寒温性针叶林的早期演替和生态恢复有着十分重要的影响。
- Yichun forest region has good resources condition and ecological condition to develop the ecotourism activity,has the very good superiority and potentiality of development. 伊春林区具备开展生态旅游活动良好的资源条件和生态条件,具有很好的发展优势和潜力。
- Simulating effects of short-term and long-term are acceptable for spruce and fir dominated mixed uneven-aged stands in Changbaishan forest region. 具体应用到长白山林区云冷杉为主的混交异龄林的径阶动态模拟;短期和长期模拟效果都较好.
- Survey of Blood pheasant at Middle Taohe forest region showed that Blood pheasant could survive in heavily destroyed forest patches. 对洮河中游林区的调查表明,在破坏较为严重的森林斑块中血雉仍能生存。
- Now the problems of property right are the key to obstruct development of forest management of southern collective forest region. 现在林地产权问题,已成为制约我国南方集体林区森林经营与林业发展的关键。
- Subsequently, it explains the character of forest management and the actuality of forestland property rights of southern collective forest region. 再进一步分析我国南方集体林区林地经营特征和林地产权的现状,论述了林地产权改革的重要意义。
- Among them,202 were normal human beings in forest region in forest region in Ninghua county and 12 were patients with fever, arthitis, neuropathy or dermal papule. And 20 serum for healthy people in Beijing were detected as negative control. 方法采用间接免疫荧光试验(IFA)对202全林区正常人血清及126例病人血清或脑脊液进行环状病毒igg和IgM抗体检测,以北京地区20例健康人血清为对照。
- The plant community structure and its spatial dynamics in natural Pinus yunnanensis forest region, which belonged to Yipinglang Forest Farm of Lufeng County, Yunnan, were field investigated in April 2005. 摘要于2005年4月采用中点四分法对云南省禄丰县一平浪林场云南松天然林区植物群落结构及空间动态进行了实地调查研究。
- New Brunswick is one of the most forested regions in the world. 新不伦瑞克是世界上森林覆盖最多的地区。
- This paper studied and analysed the apron and groin actions, protection principles, setting methods, application conditions, and validities, etc. in roadbed protection of road besides river in forest region. 摘要研究分析了丁坝和护坦在沿河林区公路路基防护中的作用、防护原理、设置方法、应用条件和有效性问题。
- Based on four stages of Ariel image since 1959,and supported by ARC/INFO,the similarity index to circle (SIQ) and fractal dimension (D f) of all types of landscape patches in Guandishan forest region were analyzed in this paper. 以 195 9年以来 4期航片为基础资料 ,在ARC/INFO支持下 ,分析了关帝山天然次生林区森林恢复过程中各类景观要素斑块异圆指数和类斑边界分维数及其动态。
- The forest will act as a defense against desert dust. 森林能起防御沙漠灰沙的作用。
- There are 668 species (including 13 varieties and forms) in 102 families and 367 genus of vascular plants in Labagoumen forest region which is among the places abound with plant species in Beijing, the flora is important and particular to Beijing region. 喇叭沟门林区是北京市植物种类最丰富的地区之一 ;现有维管植物 6 5 5种、1 3变种及变型 ;隶属于 1 0 2科、36 7属 ;其植物区系在北京地区具有一定的重要性及特殊性 .
- Nutrient distribution and accumulation pattern of Chinese pine plantations in Qiaoshan forested region. 桥山林区油松人工林营养元素分配与积累的研究。
- The Properties of Nutrient Accumulation and Distribution of Sharptooth Oak Stands in Main Forest Regions of Qinling Mts. 秦岭主要林区锐齿栎林营养积累和分布的特点。