- forensic science body 司法鉴定机构
- Forensic science is a growth industry. 法医学是一个发展中的产业。
- The law was made obsolete by new developments in forensic science. 法医学方面的新发展使该法过时。
- The law has been made obsolete by new developments in forensic science. 法医学方面的新发展使该法过时。
- The law have is make obsolete by new developments in forensic science. 法医学方面的新发展使该法过时。
- Specialized training in the subject area as it relates to forensic science. 在与法医学相关的主体领域经历过专门的训练
- CSI's popularity may have also affected the demographics of forensic science. CSI影集走红,也影响了鑑识科学从业人员的人口组成。
- In modern forensic science,four techniques for body features identification are widely used,i.e.fingerprint identification,eye cornea identification,DNA technique and dental morphology identification. 在现代法庭科学中,人体特征识别主要采用下列四种技术:指纹识别、虹膜纹识别、DNA技术和牙齿形态识别。
- This technique is used in veterinary and human medicine to establish the parentage of individuals, and in forensic science to identify individuals from traces of body tissue or fluids. 这项技术在兽医或人类医学方面的应用主要是确定个体间的关系,在法医学上的应用是根据人体组织或体液的痕迹中的DNA进行分析来确认个体。
- The Forensic Science Division of the Government Laboratory provides a specialist scientific service to the criminal justice system in Hong Kong. 政府化验所辖下的法证事务部为本港的刑事司法制度,提供专业的科学鉴定服务。
- She first turned on to a career in forensic science by the off-hours cops and criminalists who would patronize the club. 她最初开始从事法庭科学方面的工作是因为那些下了班来光顾俱乐部的警察和犯罪学家的鼓励。
- Dr. Lee is either analyzing evidence or instructing others in the disciplines of forensic science. 他不是在分析证据,就是在教授法医学课程。
- The obtained basic genetic data in two loci of nt16180 and nt310 of mtDNA will be useful for forensic science. 为线粒体控制区DNA在法医学领域中的应用提供基础数据,证实了线粒体nt16180位点和nt310位点单倍型在线粒体DNA鉴定中有较好的应用价值。
- In a field as complicated as forensic science there are many sources of error, most of which will lead to an inconclusive or no result. 像法医学这样复杂的领域,有许多产生错误的来源,大多数都会导致不确定的或者没有结果。
- The PIXE was used in analysis of the widely used blue and black ball-point pen inks for the first in forensic science. 摘要在国内首次应用质子激发X射线荧光法对常见的书写字迹进行刑事检验分析,确认PIXE技术可以作为文件检验当中字迹同一认定的有效方法。
- Conclusion The method of stereolgy is the best in measuring intracranial hemorrhage for clinical forensic science. 结论体视学法是法医临床学中测量颅内出血量最适用的方法。
- The group said Congress should support large amounts of money for all areas of forensic science, not just DNA. 这个团体说,国会应该为所有法医领域支持大量的资金,不只是在DNA检测方面。
- Objective To explore a method of measuring intracranial hemorrhage to be applied in clinical forensic science. 目的探寻一种能够运用于法医临床学实践的测量颅内出血量的方法。
- Forensic image technology is an important part of forensic science and a method of testing and fixing trace material. 刑事图像技术是刑事科学的重要组成部分:是检验、固定痕迹物证的一种方法。
- The popular interest in forensic science is at an all-time high, as are the challenges to the veracity of forensic science methods and capacities. 大众对鑑识科学的兴趣,从来没有这麽高过,同时,鑑识科学的方法与能耐,也正遭受空前的考验。