- Forensic examination revealed a large quantity of poison in the dead man's stomach. 法医检验发现死者的胃里有大量的毒药。
- The identification of menstrual blood belongs to the forensic examination of bloodstains. 月经血鉴定是法医血痕检验的内容之一。
- After investigation and forensic examination of the deceased tomorrow chest two fatal shooting part, the type of firearm for carrying shotguns preliminary inferred. 经勘查和法医检验,死者汪兴胸腹两处致命部位被枪击,枪支种类初步推断为双筒猎枪。
- An American documentary team, who traveled with the expedition, is already planning to run a series of forensic examination on the artifacts, similar to those of Beattie. 跟随探险队的一个美国记录片拍摄小组已准备对这些物件做一系列类似比泰的法医检查。
- Forensic examinations identified the cause of death as suffocation due to fracture of the throat bone. Yet, a local court pardoned the nine prison guards and acquitted them of responsibilities for the death of the French man. 法医鉴定结论是喉骨碎裂引起窒息死亡,而内华达州一家地方法院却于2月底判定这9名看守的行为可以原谅,不必对勒曼之死负刑事责任。
- The examiner looks very serious. 这个主考官看上去很严肃。
- The examiner had to mark 150 scripts. 主考人须评阅150份试卷。
- A specialist in forensic medicine was called as a witness in the murder trial. 在那桩谋杀案的审理中,一名法医专家被召来作证。
- forensic examiner 司法检查员
- The classroom has been forensically examined by officers and has reopened, although it is understood lessons are not being taught in it. 教室经过法医检查,已经重新开放,尽管它现在并不用来上课。
- I am afraid under the vigilant eyes of the examiner. 在检察员警惕的目光下,我害怕了。
- I'm a hopeless driver, but the examiner let me through. 我开车的技术糟透了,但考官让我及格了。
- Forensic science is a growth industry. 法医学是一个发展中的产业。
- Rule out neatly any words which you do not wish the examiner to read. 整洁地划上直线删除你不希望主考人批阅的任何话。
- Reconsideration of that the Court Sets Up Forensic Examination Institutions 关于法院系统设置鉴定机构的反思
- The examiner shut his eyes to the fact. 审查员假装没看到这项事实。
- The Civil Liability of Forensic Examiners and the System Improvement 试论我国鉴定人的民事责任及其制度完善
- I submitted my papers to the examiner. 我把试卷交给主考老师。
- Problems and Their Solutions in the Court Testimony of Forensic Examiners 鉴定人出庭遇到的困难及解决途径
- The skulls have been sent for forensic tests. 这些头颅已经被送往法医检定。