- Efforts will be made to expedite the reform of the foreign investment management system, seriously check up administrative deliberation and approval items related to foreign capital utilization, and increase the efficiency of foreign capital introduction. 加快外商投资管理体制改革,认真清理吸引外资行政审批事项,提高招商引资效益。
- Probe into Mechanism Collision in the Process of Foreign Capital Introduction 对引进外资过程中机制碰撞问题的探讨
- Pollution Shift in the Process of China's Foreign Capital Introduction 我国引进外资过程中的污染转移问题研究
- Railway Container Logistic Center Succeeding in Foreign Capital Introduction 铁路集装箱物流中心成功引进境外资金
- Effects of Foreign Capital Introduction on the Money Velocity in China 引进外资对我国货币流通速度的影响
- Empirical Analysis of the Effects of Foreign Capital Introduction on Chinese Economy Open to the World 外资利用影响我国对外开放度的实证分析
- On Foreign Capital Introduction to Guangdong Province After China's Accession to WTO 加入WTO后广东省外资引进问题与对策
- Problems Needed for Attention in Foreign Capital Introduction for City Commercial Banks 城市商业银行引进外资应关注的问题
- A Probe of the Foreign Capital Introduction Strategies into the Inland Provinces in the New Trend of Foreign Direct Investment 外商直接投资新趋势下内陆省份的引资战略探析
- A Quantitative Analysis of the Restrictive Factors Concerning Foreign Capital Introduction into the Nanning-Guiyang-Kunming Economic Belt 南贵昆经济带引进外资障碍因素定量分析
- What do your absorption of foreign capital cover? 贵方吸引外资包括哪些范围?
- We need foreign capital,but we'll never rely on it. 我们需要外资,但决不依赖它。
- foreign capital introduction 引进外资
- Seventh, striving to expand export, and strengthening the introduction of foreign capital . 第七,努力扩大进出口贸易,加强引进外资的工作。
- The country tried to shake off the control of foreign capital. 这个国家试图摆脱外国资本的控制。
- I proposed that we thoroughly research how to use foreign capital. 我提议充分研究一下怎样利用外资的问题。
- How Does Foreign Capital Stimulate China's Economic Growth? 外资怎样推动中国经济增长
- Why Foreign Capitals keep flowing into China? 近期中国外汇收支形势的变化、影响及对策?
- Question: Foreign Capital Merger--Where is the Breakthrough? 提问:外资并购哪里打开突破口?
- Opinion: What Does China Gain from Foreign Capital Mergers? 思考:中国从外资并购中获得什么?