- The whole land rose to resist foreign aggression. 举国奋起抗击外来侵略。
- Was to resist foreign aggression. 就是抵御外敌。
- China has a wealth of experience in resisting foreign aggression. 中国有抵御外敌入侵的丰富经验
- The policy of building up a country should be designed to build up the strength to resist foreign aggression and deal with emergencies. 立国的政策应放在有力量应付外侮和应付万一。
- The whole nation made concerted efforts, shared bitter hatred against the enemy, and jointly resisted foreign aggression. 整个民族团结奋斗,同仇敌忾,共御外侮。
- I am a Chinese,and I am familiar with the history of foreign aggression against China. 我是一个中国人,懂得外国侵略中国的历史。
- Nepotism and corruption among government officials can ruin a nation without foreign aggression. 政府官员的裙带关系和贪污腐化,虽无外患亦能毁灭国家。
- I am a Chinese, and I am familiar with the history of foreign aggression against China. 我是一个中国人,懂得外国侵略中国的历史。
- I believe that when faced with foreign aggression and intimidation, our people will not be frightened, nor will future generations. 我相信,在外国的侵略和威吓面前,我们的人民不会怕,我们的子孙也不会怕。
- Even when China becomes strong and powerful in the future,it will by no means take to the road of foreign aggression and expansion. 中国即使将来强大了,也决不走对外侵略扩张的道路。
- I believe that when faced with foreign aggression and intimidation,our people will not be frightened,nor will future generations. 我相信,在外国的侵略和威吓面前,我们的人民不会怕,我们的子孙也不会怕。
- Afghan people's struggle against foreign aggression has won from all just-upholding and peace-loving nations and peoples their sympathy and support. 阿富汗人民反抗外来侵略的斗争,赢得了一切支持正义,爱好和平的国家和人民的同情和支持。
- As far back as the time when Japanese imperialism began to invade China, the Communist Party of China demanded an end to civil war and unity against foreign aggression. 中国共产党早在日本帝国主义开始侵入中国的时候,就要求停止内战,一致对外。
- Today, the Chinese remember this foreign aggression when foreigners, such as Mr. Calier, cheat them in the marketplace. 今天,在市场经济中,当像卡里亚这样的外国人欺诈中国人时,中国人的那段惨痛记忆又增添了新的伤口。
- In addition,foreign aggression and threats arouse the Chinese people's sense of unity,their patriotism and their love for socialism and the Communist Party and only make us clearer in our thinking. 还可以加上一点,外国的侵略、威胁,会激发起中国人民团结、爱国、爱社会主义、爱共产党的热情,同时也使我们更清醒。
- Despite the fact that incessant foreign aggression and civil wars weakened the central government of the Republic of China,it continued to grant honorific titles to the Dalai Lama and the Bainqen Erdeni. 民国期间,外患不已,内乱频仍,中央政府孱弱,但达赖喇嘛、班禅额尔德尼继续接受中央政府的册封。
- During the course of several thousand years,loving peace,stressing defense,seeking unification,promoting national unity,and jointly resisting foreign aggression have always been the main ideas of China's defense concept. 在几千年的历史进程中,爱和平,重防御,求统一,促进民族团结,共御外侮,始终是中国国防观念的主题。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- The fact that feudal autocracy was overthrown and democracy was failed to be established because of lack of democratic condition after revolution of 1912 in China led to serious domestic worries and foreign aggression. 辛亥革命后,中国旧的封建专制被推翻,而新的民主政治由于民主基础薄弱无法建立起来,出现了严重的内忧外患。
- Students in Peking, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, held a patriotic demonstration on December 9, putting forward such slogans as "Stop the civil war and unite to resist foreign aggression" and "Down with Japanese imperialism". 北平学生在中国共产党领导下,首先在十二月九日举行大规模的爱国示威游行,提出“反对华北防共自治运动”、“停止内战,一致对外”、“打倒日本帝国主义”等口号。