- forecasting future market 市场预测
- The cells in this table help us forecast future costs and profits. 此表上的分格有助于我们预测未来的成本和盈利。
- And will base the now, the forecast future, unceasingly will go forward, will push the product to the international market. 并立足现在,展望未来,不断前进,将产品推向国际市场。
- Can econometrics be used to forecast future asset price changes? 经济计量方法能用来预测未来的资产价格吗?
- Cotton: irregular, the cotton index fluctuate narrowly on the liverpool(England) future market. 棉花:涨落不定。在英国利物浦市场上,棉花指数涨落不大。
- Econometrics The application of statistical theories to economic ones for the purpose of forecasting future trends. 计量经济学将统计理论运用在经济上,目的在于预测未来趋势。
- Therefore, development of telmisartan has a vast potential for future market. 因此开发替米沙坦具有广阔的市场前景。
- Two economists from the macroeconomic point of view, analyze the price level forecast future price trends. 两位经济专家从宏观经济的角度,剖析价格水平,预测物价未来趋势。
- Silver: quiet. Value fluctuate lower in line with other precious metals on both bullion and futures market. 银:清淡。由于受最近交易低潮的影响,银和其他贵重金属一样,期货和现货市场的数量下降。
- The thesis tries to propose a new approach to forecast future cash flow by a computer simulation language, GPSS (General Purpose Simulation System). 本文试图通过引入计算机模拟模拟语言GPSS(General Purpose Simulation System)来对未来现金流量的预测提供一种新的途径。
- Generally speaking, futures contract, not the commodity, is sold and bought in the futures market. 一般来说,在期货市场上买进卖出的是期货契约,而不是商品。
- The movements of trade can be graphed out, enabling the firm to plan their future markets and advertising. 贸易情况的变化可以用图表表示出来,使公司能够计划未来的市场和广告宣传。
- The earned value management methodology also provides a means to forecast future performance based upon past performance. 实现价值管理技术的方法还是根据过去的实施结果预测未来绩效的一种手段。
- Generally speaking, futures contracts, not the commodities, are sold and bought in the futures market. 一般来说,在期货市场上买进卖出的是期货契约,而不是商品。
- As the risk of Chinese futures market is on the rise, the study of the futures volatility forecast is of theoretical and practical value. 摘要随着我国期货市场的风险日益加剧,对其波动性预测的研究就相对具有理论和实际应用价值。
- To date, China has been tightening monetary inflation and the economy as the focus, however, forecast future investors will be focused on stimulating the economy. 迄今为止,中国一直把金融紧缩和抑制通货膨胀作为经济工作的重点,不过,投资者预测今后刺激经济将成为重点。
- Why we want to have our own commodity futures market. 我们为何要发展本身的商品期货市场?
- The movements of trade cam be graphed out, enabling the firm to plan their future markets and advertising. 贸易情况能用图表表示出来,以便该公司能规划未来的市场和广告。
- Class Dula pointed out that the individual motion the thought control, a thought major function will be enables the human to forecast future behavior result. 班杜拉指出,个体的行动受思维的支配,思维的一个主要功能是使人能够预测未来的行为结果。
- The prospects of futures market is still prosperous. 期货市场发展仍持续看好.