- Chock the barrel up or else it will roll over. 用楔子塞住圆桶,不然它会滚过去。
- The comedian soon had them rolling in the aisles. 那滑稽演员很快就逗得他们捧腹大笑。
- The national debts of that country are rolling up. 那个国家的国债在不断地增加。
- The singer forced his low notes. 那位歌手勉强唱出低音。
- He's a rolling stone and got no where all his life. 他见异思迁,毕生一事无成。
- Smoke was rolling up from the burning oil up smoke. 正在燃烧的汽油箱上浓烟滚滚。
- A terrible storm forced the ship to put back. 可怕的风暴迫使这条船返航了。
- The slow steady roll of the ship made him sick. 轮船不停地缓慢摇晃使他感到不适。
- I was forced to sign the agreement against my will. 我被迫违心地在协议上签了字。
- The ship was rolling heavily to and fro. 那船晃来晃去很不平稳。
- The town was forced to yield after a long siege. 该城受长期围困而被迫弃守。
- The British line was forced back a short distance. 英军的阵线被迫后退一段距离。
- The desk calculator use a roll of paper. 这台台式计算机使用卷纸。
- The truck was forced to lie by for repairs. 卡车不得不停下来修理。
- She is crazy about rock and roll. 她喜欢摇滚乐。
- They forced me to do things against my will. 他们强迫我做违背我心意的事。
- I'm going to a rock and roll concert tonight. 我今晚正要去参加摇滚音乐会。
- A thunderstorm forced him to take refuge at a hut. 一场雷雨迫使他躲在草屋里。
- The enemy was forced to retreat. 敌人被迫撤退。
- If the table top isn't level, things will roll off. 如果桌面不平,东西就会滚下来。