- For the moment we cannot supply your requirement from stock. 目前我们没有现货供应你方的需求。
- I think perhaps we might leave it for the moment. 我看或许我们可以暂时不谈这事。
- Keep it under your hat for the moment, won't you? 暂时保密,好吗?
- My wound is paining just for the moment. 我的伤口现在还在疼。
- The plan for the new book is on ice at the moment. 写新书的计划暂时已搁置。
- Nancy is staying with her niece for the moment. 南希暂时同她外甥女住在一起。
- The moment for the girl's setting out drove nigh. 那女孩子出发的时候越来越近了。
- Let's leave the matter aside for the moment. 咱们暂时不要考虑这件事吧。
- He decided for the moment he would do nothing rash. 他决定目前决不轻举妄动。
- But Ukraine has rejected the idea, for the moment. 不过,乌克兰已暂时放弃这一念头。
- Fine,that takes care of everything for the moment. 很好,现在都处理好了。
- Anyway, let's forget about that for the moment. 咱们无论如何暂时不要再提这件事。
- For the moment, he was in fine feather. 此刻,他情绪高昂。
- The cause is unknown for the moment. 目前导致该问题的原因还不清楚。
- His words failed him for the moment. 他一时说不出话来。
- I'm afraid that escapes me for the moment. 恐怕我一时想不起来。
- I'm stuck with this job for the moment. 我眼下被工作困住了。
- We can leave it open for the moment. 这事我们可暂时不作结论。
- I am my own footman and parlour-maid for the moment. 目前我是我自己的男仆和客厅待女。
- We'll pass that matter by for the moment. 我们暂时不去考虑那件事。