- Let's get going, for crying out loud! 我们走吧,真是岂有此理!
- For crying out loud! Aren't you ever going to be ready to go out? 哎呀,我的天啊!难道你不准备出去了吗?
- For crying out loud what's the matter with you all? 喂!你们全都怎么啦?
- For crying out loud,he didn't mean to hurt you. 说真的,他并没想伤害你。
- For crying out loud! Why did you have to do that? 真是岂有此理!你为什么非得干那种事?
- For crying out loud, who put salt in the coffee? 我的老天爷,谁把盐放到咖啡里去了?
- For crying out loud! Why did you do that? 你为什麽要干那种事?
- We're New Yorkers, for crying out loud! 我们可是堂堂纽约人哪!
- Gareth: Why can't we just give him the boot for crying out loud?! 加雷斯:我们干嘛不干脆把那个鬼器狼嚎似的家伙解雇算了?
- For crying out loud I wish they'd turn the music down next door. 真是的,隔壁的人真该把音乐调低点。
- For crying out loud! I just gave you some yesterday! 真是受够了,我昨天才给过你。
- Gareth: Why can't we just give him the boot for crying out loud? 我们干嘛不干脆把那个鬼器狼嚎似的家伙解雇算了?
- For crying out loud! How many times have I asked you not to do that? 真是岂有此理!我告诉你多少次了不要干那事!
- Nancy:For crying out loud, Ken. Just admit you're stealing a stapler. (拜讬,肯恩,你就承认你偷了一个钉书机吧。我并不是真的很在意。
- Gloria: Ah, for crying out loud, Marty, would you just tell us? I mean, really, what could happen? 格洛莉娅:玛蒂,你就说吧,好不好?我是说真的,能有什么霉运呢?
- Honey, would you stop being so cruel to her? She's just a kid, for crying out loud. 你能不能不要对她这么残忍呢?拜托你好不好?她只是个小孩子。
- Her husband angry complained about the food."For crying out loud!"Isabel screamed and rushed out of the room. 她的丈夫恼怒地抱怨饭做得不好“我的老天爷”伊莎贝尔一面叫一面跑出了房间。
- Oh, God. It's the benefit tonight. I've been looking forward to it for months. I refuse to be sick. I'm wearing Valentino, for crying out loud. 天哪,今晚慈善晚宴。我都盼了几个月了。我不要生病。我还准备穿华伦天奴呢,拜托。
- I don't think any sane person watching this movie would take this seriously.This is a comedy, for crying out loud, made to make us laugh! 这仅仅是一部让我们捧腹大笑的喜剧片而已,大众并不会严肃地对待它。
- HANKS: Look, I’ve been able to take the way America works and turn it into something akin to winning a lottery, for crying out loud. 汉克斯: 瞧,我已经能够照美国的方式生活了,并且能把它变成一种和赢得彩票差不多的事情,以便大喊大叫。