- You must be weaned away from the foolish idea. 你必须拋弃这愚蠢的想法。
- It's a foolish idea;I hope you'll think better of it. 我希望你重新考虑,放弃这个想法。
- It's time to put away those foolish ideas. 是该放弃那些愚蠢的想法了。
- I ask him to put away such a foolish idea. 我请他打消这种愚蠢的想法。
- He advised me to give up the foolish idea. 他劝我放弃那愚蠢的念头。
- I advised her to give up the foolish idea. 她建议她的丈夫戒酒,但她没成功。
- I refuse to entertain such a foolish idea. 我拒绝考虑如此愚蠢的想法。
- I refuse to entertain such a foolish idea . 我拒绝考虑如此愚蠢的想法。
- I laughed him out of his foolish idea. 我用笑消除了他的愚蠢想法。
- It's time to put away those foolish ideas and become serious. 是打消那些愚蠢想法,认真对待的时候了。
- It's a foolish idea; I hope you'll think better of it. 这是个愚蠢的想法,我希望你重新考虑。
- How can I hold by such foolish ideas? 我怎么能接受这种愚蠢的想法呢?
- There is well dress foolish idea just as there is well dress fool. 世上有粉饰得够体面的笨主意,正如有穿得够体面的笨伯一般。
- What a foolish idea! I hope you'll think better of it. 多么蠢的想法!我希望你认真考虑一下。
- I asked him to put away such foolish ideas. 我要他放弃这种愚蠢的想法。
- He is imbrued with foolish ideas. 他满脑子都是愚蠢的想法。
- I told her straight away that it was a foolish idea. 我立刻就告诉了她这个想法很傻。
- This is foolish idea, no doubt, so we'll say no more about it. 这当然是个愚蠢的想法,我们不必再提它了。
- He asked me to put away such foolish ideas. 他要我放弃这种愚蠢的想法。
- I don't hold by such foolish ideas. 我不接受这类愚蠢的想法。