- Allows to create a ready to use bitmap font from any font installed in the system. You could then apply any additional effects to the fonts using your graphics editor. 允许创造系统里安装好的任何字体为系统可使用的位图字体。然后你就可以使用任何附加的字体效果在你的图形编辑器里了。
- An issue in which all text is missing if the Windows system has a large number of fonts installed. 解决了Windows系统中安装了大量字体而导致所有字符无法正常显示的问题。
- font installer 字体安装程序
- This font displays correctly only when the viewer has this font installed 仅当查看器安装了这种字体时,此字体才能正确显示
- Instead, you'll want a larger system font. 代替的,你将想要更大的系统字体。
- There was a beautiful stone font there. 那有一个精美的石制洗礼盘。
- Run "installer" through the firmware on the PSP. 运行"安装";通过固件对玩家.
- Font is used to hold water for baptism. 洗礼盘用来装洗礼用的圣水。
- The CSS font properties define the font in text. CSS字体属性可定义文字所使用的字体。
- Font too large. Recompile with larger DF_MAPSIZE. 字体太大。用更大的 DF_MAPSIZE 重新编译。
- The novel will appear in instal(l)ments. 这部小说将分期发表。
- Following lines map file names to font names. 以下几行是字体文件的名字。
- To switch back to installer itself. 可以切换回安装程序。
- So they can be used to boot the installer. 然后他们可以被用来引导安装程序。
- Please download either the installer or zip file. 请下载安装包或压缩包。
- New_ Face failed. Maybe the font path is wrong. 新界面()成失败。可能是字体路径出错。
- Font for viewing Armenian and Georgian documents. 用于查看亚美尼亚语和格鲁吉亚语文档的字体。
- And run through the regular installer. 并运行通常的安装程序。
- Text block with 10pt. font and underline. 带下划线、字体为 10 磅的文本块。
- Hotfix Installer is ready to apply the patch. 热修复安装程序已准备好应用修补程序。