- In the mundane, where to the fond dream? 红尘里美梦有几多方向?
- I think that intense emotion collides with fond dream's at that time. 我认为那是激情与梦想的碰撞.
- But, corruption and cutcha infrastructure may smash their fond dream. 但是,腐败和贫弱的基础结构可能会打破它们的美梦。
- He dreams beautiful and fond dreams. 他做着幸福的美梦。
- Her fond dreams were bedashed at last. 她的黄粱美梦最后破灭了。
- He had fond dreams of living on Saturn. 他做着在火星上生活的黄粱美梦。
- Ronaldo's last-minute goal shattered the fond dream of the AC Milan to tie the game. 罗纳尔多最后一刻的进 球打碎了ac 米兰的取得 平局的美梦.
- Distant memory , fond dream in the infanthood from time to time stabbing pain my seemingly long ago numb soul. 遥远的回忆,儿时的梦想时时刺痛我似乎早已麻木的心灵。
- English Introduction: Game brief introduction this is roomette bar mild and fragrant in your fond dream! 中文介绍:欢迎您玩"逃出梦想温馨小房间"这个小游戏,游戏简介这是个你梦想中的温馨小房间吧!
- Believe that the year economizes up to hundred million's loss cost is not a fond dream. 相信年节省上亿的损失费用不是梦想。
- But they have one common primitive , this is human being hope and the fond dream instinct. 但它们有一共同的本原,这就是人类希望与梦想的本能。
- OK the friend with a first-rate mind, unrestrained the ground lies in sofa to see disc hear music, do make fond dream. 可以只招呼最好的朋友,无拘无束地躺在沙发里看看影碟听听音乐,做做美梦。
- Duanmuxinhui from childhood the fond dream is to act as excellent one anchor-man , the people who adores most is Ni Ping. 端木新卉从小的梦想是做一名优秀的节目主持人,最崇拜的人是倪萍。
- He realized his fondest dream when he won the Pulitzer prize . 他获得普利策奖金时,他实现了最美好的梦想。
- But, these companies did not get countervail place to wish, internet bubble burst also is attacked broke their fond dream. 但是,这些公司并未得偿所愿,互联网泡沫破裂也击碎了他们的美梦。
- Marriage, still be one can touch the fond dream that come up against in woman heart probably, and other people, did not blow cut lathery duty. 婚姻,或许在女子心里还是一个能触碰到的美梦,而旁人,没有吹破肥皂泡的责任。
- Inspirational force company advertisement language:Move and inspire the outstanding person personage , the accomplishment commerce fond dream. 感召力公司品牌传播理念:感召精英人士,成就商业梦想。
- He realized his fondest dream when he won the Pulitzer Prize. 他获得普利策奖金时,他实现了最美好的梦想。
- A lot of employee go at that time the IPO that 1000 oak took a fancy to it namely is enunciative, nevertheless, their fond dream did not come true all the time. 许多员工当时去千橡就是看中了它的IPO宣言,不过,他们的美梦一直没有实现。
- My fondest dreams have at last come true. 我最期望的理想最终实现了