- follow each other rs lead 追随其他人的领导
- The seasons follow each other in rotation. 四季循环交替。
- They smiled into each other rs eyes. 他俩相视而笑。
- They put small presents in each other rs stockings. 他们都在对方的袜子里放了小礼品。
- They were again at each other rs throats. 他们又互相扭打起来。
- Thy centuries follow each other perfecting a small wild flower. 你的世纪,一个接着一个,来完成一朵小小的野花。
- You should coordinate with each other, not counteract each other rs efforts. 你们俩要相互照应,不要相互拆台。
- I can still see the shells fallin out of their hands ,As they follow each other back up the hill. 我还能看到他们一个接一个往沙堆那边后退的时候,不经意滑落了自己的小贝壳。
- They have simply followed each other in reporting an untruth. 他们只是跟风撒播一件不真实的事情。
- While the phases must always follow each other in this order, their length and their severity varies greatly from cycle to cycle. 虽然经济周期的各个阶段总是以这种顺序互相衔接,但是各阶段的时间长短以及严重性却各有所不同。
- But the old man shook his head and said philosophically, "Well, don't mind it too much.We know good and bad luck often follow each other. 但是塞翁却摇摇头,那口吻就像是哲学家:“不必过于介意。
- Gusts in innumerable series followed each other from the north-west. 连串无数的狂飙,一阵一阵从西北方一个跟着一个吹来。
- Unlike the traffic light example, we cannot expect these three weather states to follow each other deterministically, but we might still hope to model the system that generates a weather pattern. 不像交通灯的例子,我们不能够期望这三个天气的状态确定性的进行转移,但我们仍然可以希望建立一个系统来产生天气的模式。
- Discoveries followed each other in rapid suecession,and it was obvious that a new science was in course of development. 新的发现层出不穷,很明显,一门新的学科正处于发展之中。
- Left and right hooks followed each other until the frightened tailor sank to the floor. 左右钩拳交替使用,直到害怕的裁缝跌倒在地。
- non-interference in each other rs internal affairs 互不干涉内政
- Discoveries followed each other in rapid suecession, and it was obvious that a new science was in course of development. 新的发现层出不穷,很明显,一门新的学科正处于发展之中。
- One episode after another leaped out of his heart, seeming of their own accord to find the right words. The sentences followed each other, down to earth, endearing and tragic. 事情,一件挨着一件,全想由心中跳出来。 事情自己似乎会找到相当的字眼,一句挨着一句,每一句都是实在的,可爱的,可悲的。
- The seasons follow each other in rotation 四季循环交替。
- It is no good hoping for other rs help. 期待别人的帮助是不行的。