- folk song of She Minority 畲族民歌
- She begins to sing the folk song of Daur ethnic group. 她唱起了达斡尔族民歌。
- I like the folk songs of Northwest China. 我喜欢中国西北民歌。
- The folk songs of Ewenki people are very melodious. 鄂温克族的民歌特别好听!
- Then he set the words to the melody of a popular folk song of northern Shannxi. 然后,他把这段词配上了陕北一个流行民歌的曲调。
- She composed a quartet out of the old folk song. 她根据这首老民歌创作了一个四重奏。
- The breeze of autumn once kissed lightly, the leaf of tree sprinkled lightly, imitating 佛 Be singing a folk song of deep feeling. 秋天的风轻轻的拂过,树上的叶子轻轻的撒落,仿佛在唱着一首深情的歌谣。
- The music of the Meng Han Diao comes from Mongolian folk song of Erdos.Lyrics are mainly impromptu created according to the form and meter of the Xin Tian You and the Shan Qu. 蒙汉调的音乐部分基本保持了鄂尔多斯蒙古族短调民歌(包古尼道)的原貌,蒙汉调的歌词主要依照流行于山西、陕西的信天游与山曲的格律即兴创作。
- Love Psychological Analysis of Folk Love Song of She Nationality 畲族民间情歌的爱情心理分析
- The new folk song caught on really quickly. 这首新民歌流行得真快。
- The Research of Folk Song of Da Wo'Er Minority in the Area of Nen River 嫩江达斡尔族民歌演唱研究
- The folk song has a good run in this area. 这支民歌在这个地区非常流行。
- The entertainers kicked off with a folk song. 表演者唱了一首民歌作为第一个表演节目。
- She is singing a Xizang folk song. 她在唱西藏民歌。
- A song of praise or thanksgiving to God or a deity. 赞美诗,赞歌对上帝或神的赞美或感恩的歌
- The locust shrills his song of heat. 蝉儿唱出炎热季节的欢歌。
- He was awakened by the song of birds in the trees. 他被林中的鸟鸣声闹醒。
- She sang a very melodious folk song too,didn't she? 戴: 她唱了一首很好听的民歌,是不是?
- This is a transition, which not only links the preceding “The love songs of She nationality” but also presents the amorous feelings of Gaoshan nationality. 这是个中场的过渡,既承上畲家恋歌,又开启了另一个少数民族高山族风情的展示。
- The aboriginal folk songs of Guangxi recorded in the film are becoming the swan songs. 本片中所收录的一些原始民歌,正在成为广西原始民歌中的绝唱。