- It's no more only folk but folk rock. 它不再只是民俗可是民俗岩石。
- Nick Drake 's music has had a large impact on modern folk rock. 音乐却产生了很大影响现代民间摇滚。
- Folk rock is a musical genre, combining elements of folk music and rock music. 民俗摇滚是一种音乐类型,结合民间音乐和摇滚音乐。
- A number of singer-songwriters are associated strongly with folk rock. 多位歌手相关强烈民俗岩石。
- This is a psychedelic folk rock song and also my first original one. 这是一首迷幻民谣摇滚歌曲,也是我的第一首作品。
- Folk rock duo Simon and Garfunkel release classic album Bridge Over Troubled Water. 1970年的今天,民谣摇滚双人组合“西蒙和嘎芬寇尔”发行其经典的专辑《急流上的桥》。
- The British and Irish folk rock (or electric folk ) sound started out as an offshoot of the North American. 英国和爱尔兰民歌摇滚(或电动民歌)声音地地道道的一个分支,北美。
- Who knows is a folk rock band whose music can make you feel fresh just like the soft dew of spring. 天晓得哪来的著麽一个甜美可爱的民谣摇滚团;有如春天早晨的露水般清新怡人!成员主唱以勤;吉他皓子;仲佑;贝斯怡文;鼓手凯凯.
- The Canadian bands Spirit of the West and Great Big Sea are also more associated with this sound that with the earlier North American folk rock. 加拿大乐队精神的西部大大海更与这声音与先前北美民歌摇滚。
- Dylan's material would provide much of the original grist for the folk rock mill, not only in the U.S. But in the UK as well. 迪伦的物质将提供大量的谷物原为民间岩岭不仅在美国,但在英国等。
- The Incredible String Band began doing straight folk before heading off into experimental folk, then folk rock and finally in other musical directions. 难以置信的弦乐队,开始从事直民俗抽穗前起飞的实验民俗然后民俗摇滚,最后在其他音乐方向。
- Great Lake Swimmers is a Canadian band built around the melodic folk rock songs of singer-songwriter Tony Dekker, from Wainfleet, Ontario. 专辑介绍:Great Lake Swimmers是一支来自加拿大的乐团,风格以民谣为主,歌曲旋律优美动听。
- Described as Beijing's most soulful band by China's leading music magazine, Hanggai are pioneers of China's folk rock scene. 杭盖是中国民谣摇滚乐界的先锋, 被中国顶尖的音乐杂志评论为“北京最富深情的乐队”。
- There were also significant folk influences in the music of several other North American bands of this period who were not generally identified with the folk rock label. 此外,还有大量的民间势力在音乐几位北美阶这段者一般不与民间摇滚的标签。
- Cities such as San Francisco, Denver, New York and Phoenix became centers for the folk rock culture, playing on their central locations among the original folk circuits. 城市,如旧金山,丹佛,纽约和凤凰成了中心民谣摇滚文化玩的中心地点之间原有的民俗电路。
- The new folk song caught on really quickly. 这首新民歌流行得真快。
- The folk song has a good run in this area. 这支民歌在这个地区非常流行。
- The entertainers kicked off with a folk song. 表演者唱了一首民歌作为第一个表演节目。
- Main article: List of folk rock artists 主文章:清单民俗摇滚乐
- He is a very popular folk singer. 他是一位很受欢迎的民歌手。