- The mountains were hazy in the distance. 远处的群山笼罩在雾霭之中。
- The horse folded up in the homestretch. 马在终点直道上不肯跑了。
- The mountains were folded inclouds. 群山被云笼罩着。
- He folded back his sleeves and back to work. 他卷起衣袖便又开始工作了。
- The table linen was neatly folded up and put away. 这块桌布被整齐地叠起来并拿走了。
- The play folded within a fortnight. 那话剧演了两个星期就停演了。
- The troops were entrenched near the mountains. 部队在群山边筑起壕沟以防卫自己。
- I folded the handkerchief and put it in my pocket. 我折好手绢,放进口袋里。
- The paper should be folded in half. 这张纸应该对折。
- We planned to pitch our camps in the mountains. 我们计划在山里扎营。
- The company folded (up) last week. 那家公司上星期倒闭了。
- The trapper leads a solitary life in the mountains. 那个设陷阱捕猎的人孤独地生活在山里。
- The new restaurant fold up in less than a year. 这家餐厅不到一年就歇业了。
- Score the paper to make it easy to fold. 在纸上先划好印子,以便折叠。
- How grand the mountains look in the early evening! 暮色中群山是多么壮丽!
- As evening came the mountains faded into darkness. 夜幕降临时,群山消失在黑暗之中。
- In that case we will not look on with folded arms. 在这种情况下,我们不会袖手旁观。
- Folded the beaten egg whites into the batter. 把捣碎的蛋清加到牛奶面糊中搅拌
- He slapped at the fly with a folded newspaper. 他用一张摺着的报纸拍打苍蝇。
- Mountains dominate the city's landmark. 重峦叠嶂构成这个城市的风景点。