- The dying animal was found foaming at the mouth. 那只将死的动物被发现口吐白沫。
- foaming agmt 发泡剂
- A playground foaming with third graders. 操场上聚满了三年级学生
- The surface of the water is full of foam. 水面都是泡沫。
- The ship's propeller churned the waves to foam. 那条船的推进器把水浪搅动得泡沫四起。
- Foam rubber provides good insulation. 泡沫橡胶隔绝性能良好。
- A mass of bubbles in or on a liquid; foam. 泡沫液体中的大量气泡; 泡沫
- He was foaming at the mouth because of his daughter's rudeness. 他女儿的粗暴态度使他暴跳如雷。
- The breaking waves left the beach covered with foam. 浪花弄得海滩都是泡沫。
- A symptom of rabies is foaming at the mouth. 狂犬病的一个症状就是口吐泡沫。
- We found a dying dog foaming at the mouth. 我们发现一只垂死的狗口吐泡沫。
- When the horse had finished the race, its sides were wet with foam. 这匹马结束比赛时,它的脊背被汗水湿透了。
- Foam rubber is soft rubber full of small air-bubbles. 泡沫橡胶是充满了小气泡的软橡胶。
- The mad dog was foaming at the mouth. 疯狗口吐白沫。
- The dying cat was found foaming at the mouth. 那只将死的猫被发现口吐泡沫。
- The breaking waves had edges of foam. 波浪边上带着泡沫。
- She looked down at the foaming white water. 她往下看冒着白色泡沫的水。
- The creature was foaming at the mouth. 这家伙在口吐白沫。
- The ship's propellers churned the waves to foam. 轮船的推进器将海浪搅出泡沫。
- Low foaming and low VA production characterize it. 低泡沫及低视力的生产特点。