- foam application rate 泡沫应用率
- minimum foam application rate 最小泡沫应用率
- Discussion on alcohol-resistant foams application rate for fixed-roof tanks containing water-soluble flammable and combustible liquids 水溶性液体固定顶储罐泡沫混合液供给强度探讨
- The N application rate significantly affected the occurrence of rice tillers. 随着施氮水平的增加,单株茎蘖数增加。
- Calibrate pesticide sprayers in order to assure that the desired application rate is being applied. 校准农药喷雾器的目的,是为了保证按所需的量予以喷洒。
- Brassica rapa was selected as research object to study the effect of fertilizer application rate in high altitude zone of Qinghai Province. 在青海省高海拔农业区,以当地主要种植的白菜型油菜作为试验对象,进行增施不同用量钾肥的大田试验,研究其对油菜产量的影响及肥料效应。
- The application rate was over 60% in infantile ARI,and its combined application rate reached 13.1%. 上呼吸道感染患儿抗生素使用率高于60%25;联合使用率达13.;1%25。
- The differences of soil nutrients might be related to soil texture and application rate of fertilizer. 各调查点土壤养分含量之间的差异与施肥量和土壤质地有关。
- Effects of Planting Time, Method and Fertilizer Application Rate on Production and Quality of Gentiana Scabra Bge. 播种期、种植方式、施肥量对龙胆产量和质量的影响。
- Aluminum Foam Application in the Protect of Impact 泡沫铝在冲击安全防护中的应用
- Field trails were conducted to validate the efficacy of 10% diazinon GR in control of peanut grub, and to determine the optimum application rate. 摘要为验证10%25二嗪磷颗粒剂对花生蛴螬防治效果,确定最佳剂量,我们进行了田间试验。
- The results showed that the total weed control effect of 10% ZJ0273 EC at the application rate of 75 mL/ha were over 85%. 结果表明,10%25丙酯草醚EC75mL/hm2对油菜阔叶杂草、禾本科杂草及总体防除效果都在85%25以上,具有杀草谱广、持效期长、防除效果好和成本较低等特点。
- The average application rate of CNKI free homepage for the core periodicals of hooks-informatics and of archives is only 10%. 摘要图书情报学、档案学核心期刊CNKI免费主页平均使用率仅为10%25。
- The aerage application rate of CNKI free homepage for the core periodicals of books-informatics and of archies is only 10%. 图书情报学、档案学核心期刊CNKI免费主页平均使用率仅为10%25。
- Our company mainly produces the Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) fire hose box, safety plan container, international shore conncetion box, foam applicator box and fire fighting equipment, etc. 本公司主要生产玻璃钢水龙带箱,安全图筒,国际通岸接头箱,泡沫浓缩液箱等消防器材储物箱。
- VAT is also payable by you at the applicable rate as shown on your invoice. 大桶以出现在你的发票上的适用的率由你也是应付的。
- The applicable rate of interest shall be the LIBOR rate for six-month U. 利息从到期应付之日到所欠款项全部还清之日计算。
- Title: Effects of Planting Time, Method and Fertilizer Application Rate on Production and Quality of Gentiana Scabra Bge. 关键词:龙胆;播种期;种植方式;施肥量;产量;影响
- Effects of PAM application rate and method on saturated hydraulic conductivity were studied in laboratory through a soil column leaching experiment. 通过室内土柱淋洗试验,研究了PAM施用量和施用方式对不同碱度土壤饱和水力传导度的影响。
- Assessment of the Foam Application in EPB Shield Tunneling 盾构施工中气泡应用效果评价研究