- flyball tachometer 离心式转速计,飞球式转速计
- The Flyball competition is a relay-style race. 接飞球比赛是一项接力式比赛。
- To make an rpm-drop test, a tachometer is needed. 做每分钟转速下降试验时,需要一个转速表。
- The bezel is also modified to act as a tachometer. 小张同学是南京晓庄学院电子商务专业大三女生。
- Single integrated tachometer and speedometer. 单一集成转速及速度。
- Indicator for electrical transmission tachometer. 标准英文名: Aircraft equipment.
- Good alternatives are: agility, flyball, obedience, etc. 好的办法包括:敏捷训练、飞盘(球)、服从训练等。
- The first Flyball tournament was held in 1983 in the USA. 第一届飞球比赛于1983年举办于美国.
- Host several events a year and gives flyball courses. 网站简介 : A flyball; UKC obedience and agility club.
- Engine crank tachometer provide VTEC control function. 发动机曲轴转数表提供VTEC控制功能。
- The NB fan tachometer has problems.Please contact your agency! 这些是警告信息,你的北桥风扇出现问题了,换一个就可以了。
- Cockpit: Ein digitales Display ergnzt Tachometer und Drehzahlmesser. 表头:一个数字显示器补充了传统的转速表和速度表。
- His flyball governor is undiluted informational control, one of the first non-biological circuits. 他的飞球调控器是一种原汁原味的信息控制,是最初出现的非生物的控制回路之一。
- James Watt's flyball governor (1769) regulated steam flow to a steam engine to maintain constant engine speed despite a changing load. 1769年瓦特的飞球调速器,它是一种调节蒸汽流的装置,即使荷载变化仍可保持蒸汽机的转速不变。
- He is a groundball pitcher, which means the fielders behind him are more likely to make mistakes than if he was a strikeout or flyball pitcher. 他应该让更少的打者上垒因为不幸的是,他是位滚地球型的投手,意思是比较起他如果他是三振型或让飞球型的投手,在他身后的野手更有可能失误。
- We accept credit card entries for select shows.Also supporting Flyball, Frisbee, Obedience, Conformation, and other dog shows. 网站简介 : Dog Events Online supports online Agility trial entries for all Agility trials across the country.
- Herbert Wagner is credited with making the first real flyball box, and he also demonstrated flyball on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. HerbertWagner因制作了第一只飞球盒子而出名;他与JohnnyCarson一同在在美国NBC的节目TonightShow上展示了飞球.
- The gauges also feature a quick-response tachometer that moves more directly in concert with changes in engine rpm. 此外,仪表盘包括一款快速响应测速仪,可即时反映发动机转数变化。
- Closely monitor the condition of the tachometer; stop to deal with any problem if discovered such as words-jamming and words-jumpping, etc. 密切监视转数表工作情况,发现卡字、跳字及其它不正常工作状态时应立即停车处理。。
- With the photoelectric tachometer and the stand weight, the same test was fulfilled. 最后利用光电测速仪和砝码完成相同的实验研究。