- Each bead is coated with fluorescently labeled antibodies that bind to a particular microbe. 每一颗磁珠表面都接有标上萤光剂的抗体,可以结合特定的微生物。
- fluorescently labeled antibody 荧光标记抗体
- Fluorescent labeled PTD-kallikrein and Kallikrein were incubated with different types of cells. 将荧光标记的PTD-kallikrein及Kallikrein分别孵育不同细胞,在荧光显微镜下观察两种荧光物质对生物膜的通透能力。
- Nonuniform distribution of the fluorescent labeled probe DNA was observed on the chromosomes of all the species that were tested. 在所有供试物种的染色体都观察到荧光标记探针DNA的不均匀分布。
- Specific luminescence activity of the labeled antibody is l. SxlO1 cps/mol with an average incorporation ratio of 2.4 mole of DMAE-NHS per mole of antibody. DMAE·NHS与抗体偶联物DMAE·NHS-Ab的发光性能与DMAE·NHS相似,DMAE·NHS与Ab的分子比为2.;4时其发光强度为1
- Antibodies specific for a desired antigen can be conjugated with a radiolabel, fluorescent label, or color-forming enzyme and are used as a "probe" to detect it. 而在抗体上可以标记[[放射线]]物质、可以呈色的[[酵素]]、以及[[萤光]]物质等。便可以当作[[探针]]来标记抗原所在。
- The labeling yield of BDI 1 was 30%, the radiochemical purity of the labeled antibody 188 Re BDI 1 was 90%, and the inmmunoreactive fraction was 58.68%. 188Re BDI 1的标记率为30%25 ;放射化学纯度为 90%25 ;免疫活性分数为 5 8.;6 8%25。
- The authors used two-photon time-lapse imaging of cultured hippocampal slices to isualize fluorescently labeled dendrites and green fluorescent protein-expressing astrocytes. 作者采用双光子成像方法对培养海马脑片进行研究,观察荧光标记树突和绿色荧光蛋白表达星形胶质细胞。
- The stability of CA242 IRMA with MAb C241 as capture antibody and C242 as labelling antibody was investigated. 本文报道了以单克隆抗体C241作为捕捉抗体,以C242为标记抗体的碘标固相双位点夹心式CA242免疫放射分析(IRMA)的稳定性研究。
- Tet did not disturb the cell membrane fluidity by determination with 1, 6-diphenyl-1, 3, 5 hexatriene (DPH) fluorescent labeling. DPH荧光标记法测定表明,粉防己碱对细胞膜流动性没有影响;
- Fluorescent labelled MBMC with green color were found in cell transplantation group 3 months later, but not in control group. 荧光显微镜下可见到大量新生细胞 ,并可见发出绿色荧光的丝状肌丝肌管。
- In comparison with common organic dyes, this class of fluorescent labels is 20 times as bright, 100 times as stable against photobleaching. 这种荧光标记物的发射光强是常用有机荧光染料的20倍,稳定性是其100倍。
- The ligand can carry a variety of functionalities, including fluorescent labels, affinity handles and attachments to a solid phase. 可使活细胞或固定细胞成像:配基可通过细胞膜,且共价键稳定,允许对活细胞或固定细胞成像。
- Fluorescently labeled fibrinogen incorporated into platelet-fibrin clots, with minimal overlap with annexin A5 binding platelets. 荧光标记的纤维蛋白原纳入血小板纤维蛋白凝块,以最少的重叠与血小板膜五大使约束力。
- Moreover, a quick and convenient way of labelling antibody has been established by combining this conjugating reagent with the technique of the fixed phrase separation. 该试剂结合固相分离技术可建立一快速、简便的标记抗体途径。
- When our inert fluorescently labeled CPPs reach the tumor, the tumor cells cut through the linker and thus unleash and take up the CPP. 当惰性的荧光标记的穿膜肽碰到肿瘤时,肿瘤细胞就会经过连接部分,解开并携带上穿膜肽。
- The prase is labeled as slang in the dictionary. 这一短语在字典里称为俚语。
- The application of triad-color fluorescence labelled antibodies in immunophenotyping for acute leukemia 三色荧光标记抗体在急性白血病免疫分型中的应用
- Methods:PCR based microsatellite polymorphism analyses were performed to detect LOH on chromosome 6, fluorescence labeled primers and Perkin Elmer 377 DNA Sequencer were applied. 方法 :应用聚合酶链反应 (PCR)方法 ,采用荧光标记的引物及 377型DNA序列自动分析仪 ,分析了 2 1例GBM患者 6号染色体上 2 0个微卫星多态性标记的LOH。
- The results of animals showed that the labeled antibodies can be cleared fromblood fast, eliminated mainly by kidney, and concentrated significantly in tumor. The tumor can be visualized at 5h after injection and become clear at 9h up to 48h. 动物实验结果表明,标记物血液清除快,主要通过肾脏排泄,肿瘤有特异性浓聚,注射后5h肿瘤就开始显影,9h能清晰显影一直持续到48h。